P. 38

Application for Initiation

               2.9.   The application submitted has to be verified by the nominated officers
               with respect to the conformity of documents as per checklist notified vide Trade
               Notice No. 15/2018 dated 22.11.2018. This helps in expeditious processing and
               examination of application leading to a decision regarding initiation/ rejection of
               the application.

               2.10.  Once the nominated officers approve the submission of the application, the
               same is accepted and a file number/case number is generated in the system.

               2.11.  The application is put up to the DG for the nomination of the investigation
               team for the case and specific allocation order is issued which is sent to the team
               along with the original case file .
              2.12.  The investigation team may call for any further information upon examination,
              if deemed fit, which could be in addition to the documents mentioned in the check-
              list, the Investigation team should always call for such additional information in
              writing, through an email (instructions attached) and no oral requests should be
              made. A copy of all these letters may also be marked to

              2.13.  The team can also obtain information pertaining to DI, PUC, imports
              and other details from the sources as mentioned below for examination and/or

                   Source of data information at the disposal of the Authority (available on request)

                S.N.                           Source & Description
                 1.   DGCI&S - Transaction wise import data based on HSN Codes containing
                      importers’ names and product details.
                 2.   DG Systems- Transaction wise import data based on HSN Codes/description
                      containing importers and exporters name along with product details
                 3.   Ministry of Corporate Affairs – Financial data, related party details regarding
                      companies/entities registered with MCA. Cost Audit details are also available,
                      where applicable.
                 4.   GSTN – HSN Code wise (2 digit / 4 digits) details of existing producers  in India and
                      sales clearances (including exports and imports) by registered entities

               2.14.  The application/ petition has to be considered “Confidential” till it is decided
               to initiate an investigation as is provided in Article 5.5 of the ADA. The relevant
               provision of Article 5.5 reads as below:

               4  This system is being followed as on date, which may be modified once the applications are received on line.

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