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Puc & Like Article

               3.18.  The scope of the PUC can be modified based on the information received
               by the Authority. However, the amended PUC should be the basis for determining
               the standing of the DI, dumping margin, injury margin etc.

               3.19.  Import  data analysis is generally based on the data obtained from the
               Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics (“DGCI &S”) .
              3.20.  The Rules require the Authority to have authentic Import data for the
              purpose of issue of the Final Findings. Therefore DGCI&S and DG Systems, DOR,
              must be asked to provide data for the PUC by sending them Customs Classification
              Code (HS code), which could be under one heading (dedicated), or more than one

              3.21.  The team should be conscious of the need to further dissect the PUC into
              various product types called Product Code Numbers (PCN). This is especially required
              in cases where the PUC is produced and traded in  different specifications (e.g.
              grades, GSM, deniers, purity, strength denoted by chemical percentage, contents/
              compositions, width, length, etc.).

              3.22.  PCNs should be defined taking into account the relevance and economic
              significance of respective PCNs. This is done with a view to have specific information
              on product types and to enable the Authority to do a fair comparison (apple to
              apple comparison).

              3.23.  The PCNs can be notified along with the identification of PUC at the time of
              initiation or at the post-initiation stage after receiving inputs from interested parties
              namely: the DI, other producers, exporters or importers. The notification of PCN,
              wherever required, should be done within 60 days from the date of initiation. In any
              case, it should be brought to the notice of the DG by submission of a file with the
              proposal that there is a need to notify PCN or that there is no need to notify PCN.

              3.24.  The team should attempt to ensure that all the product types are captured
              within a reasonable number of PCNs/Groups .
               10  The Directorate generally relies on DGCI&S data. However, in exceptional cases in past, where DGCIS data was
               not able to capture the complete product import details, data from secondary sources e.g., International Business
               Information System (IBIS); Infodrive; Export Genious, Impex Statistics Services etc., has been submitted with due
               justification at the time of Initiation of the investigation.
               11   Final Findings in Second Sunset Review in  Anti-Dumping investigations on the import of Nylon Filament Yarn
               originating in or exported from China PR, Chinese Taipei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Korea RP, F. No.
               15/17/2016-DGAD dated 5.1.18), wherein more than 100 PCNs were identified. This is not a practical situation as it
               makes determination of those many NIP/NV/CNV/LV unmanageable.

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