Page 6 - Club Life weekly 08182020
P. 6
Golf Pro
- D O U G D E S I V E
In an effort to help you drive it better, I have put four pictures together to help you
understand why some players slice or pull the ball and some do not.
Picture A represents what most players do: take the club back with their right hand (player
is right handed) and allow the club to be inside his hand line going back. This dominance
with the right hand has taken the club off the plane of the swing.
Picture B is the same player in Picture A. Now that his club has gone too far inside, it is
natural to overplay the down swing and swing over the top, which is almost always a slice
or a pull. Player will hit the outside of the ball instead of the back of it, which will cause
the most side spin. Sidespin is not what you want if hitting fairways is your goal.
This is most players I watch on the #1 tee who either hit the big tree off the tee or hit it in
the range. Player in Picture C has it correct. Note that in Picture C, the clubhead is outside
the hands in the backswing. This is the correct plane and is what you watch when you
watch golf on TV.
Picture D shows the player as he has rerouted the club correctly to come from the inside.
The path will allow the club to make contact on the inside of the ball. A ball struck on the
inside will create less side spin and create a truer flight.