Page 6 - Club Life weekly 07282020 (13)
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CHRISTI July 16th, 2020
CCCC Team: Lexie Gonter, Amanda Salazar, Solei Glenn, Cole Gaddy, Robert
staff fills a call to Allen, Nick Trigo, Saul Mendez, Barbara Krause
action at local food
" I t f e l t g o o d t o b e m o v i n g c o n s t a n t l y l i k e w e u s e d t o o . I t ' s a l w a y s b e t t e r t o
w o r k a n d k n o w t h a t w h a t y o u ' r e d o i n g i s h e l p i n g s o m e o n e e l s e " .
B A R B A R A K R A U S E , F & B S E R V E R O F 1 5 Y E A R S
Since the club has been 'closed', operations have been running a little slower in the Food &
Beverage department. COVID poses unique hurdles for each one of us (sometimes daily) and
second round shutdowns have left us trying to maintain secure employment for our hourly team
Special cleaning projects, inventory counts and focus on streamlining service procedures have
been at the top of our "honey-do-list". We're eager to get our doors re-opened and welcome
families back in to start utilizing the facilities again. And as we struggle through the mundane,
have realized the real hardship through all of this is not getting to see and service our members.
As we approached what felt like day 100 of no inside service opportunity, the staff needed a
change. They rallied together and decided they wanted to get back to what they love doing:
Together, they found a volunteer opportunity they could all be a part of and spent their day
volunteering at the Coastal Bend Food Bank. From sorting thousands of oranges, to arranging
boxes for the mobile pantry, the staff worked hard to help out as much as they could that day. It
was no surprise to see them making friends with other volunteers, as they miss seeing friendly