Page 13 - New Broker Presentation 2
P. 13

Real estate can be very hard work and we understand you deserve every dime of
           your commission. This is why at BPRE, we have extremely competitive splits, low

           office dues, free marketing assistance, no cost administrative help, no transaction

           fees,  free  start-up  package,  and  no  franchise  fee! We  want  you  to  keep  more  of
           what you earn on every paycheck and not have to pay out money off the top every

           closing.  In  fact,  the  average  BPRE  broker  saves  over  $7500  per  year  in  franchise
                                                                                                                We  are  not  a  training  office,  but
           fees  alone  which  means  that  hard-earned  money  stays  where  it  should,  with the
                                                                                                                rather,  we  bring  on  more
           broker. We provide the help and assistance you need without breaking the bank.
                                                                                                                experienced  brokers  with  a

                                                                                                                passion  for  real    estate  who  are

                                                                                                                looking  to  surround  themselves
                                                                                                                with  similar  professionals.    This

                                                                                                                allows  us  to  cut  the  costs

                                                                                                                associated  with  training  a  new
                                                                                                                agent  and  redirect  those  funds

                                                                                                                towards furthering your business

                                                                                                                and helping you to be successful

                                                                                                                in your career.

         Keep more of your commissions...
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