Page 80 - Investing in Praetura Group - Christopher Carter
P. 80
This document is for information only and is intended to Capital at risk. The keys risks of investing in venture capital
highlight the alternative equity and debt funding funds include:
propositions of the Praetura Group of Companies. The
document is for discussion purposes only and is not • Investment duration - your invested capital will be
intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale locked-in over a long period i.e. around 5/10 years
of any financial instrument. Nothing in this document is • No liquidity - there is limited or no liquidity i.e. you
intended to be, or should be construed as, regulated will not be able to sell your investment as you would
advice. Reliance should not be placed on the information for an investment in stocks or bonds
contained within this document when taking individual
investment or strategic decisions. • Start-up risk – early stage businesses have a high risk
of failure and hence could result in you losing a
Praetura has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the significant portion of your invested capital
facts stated in this document are true and accurate in all
material respects and that there are no other material • Underperformance of investments - you could lose a
facts whose omission would make any statement of fact or substantial portion, or all of your capital invested if the
opinion in this document misleading. All statements of underlying start-ups in which the venture capital fund
opinion or belief contained in this document and all views invests in fail or do not perform
expressed and statements made regarding future events •
represent Praetura’s own assessment and interpretation of Fees - your returns could be lower than the gross
returns achieved by the fund due to management fees
information available to it as at the date of this document.
and performance fees that are charged by us as a Praetura Ventures Limitedraetura Ventures Limited
Floor 3, Giant’s Basinloor 3, Giant’s Basin
Reliance on this document for the purpose of engaging in venture capital fund manager F
any investment activity may expose a prospective Investor • Tax reliefs depend on individuals’ personal M
to a significant risk of losing all of their capital or other M3 4NB3 4NB
assets invested. Any investment by a prospective Investor circumstances, minimum holding period and may be
subject to change
in the Fund may be difficult to value and is likely to
Appointed Representative of Rudolf ppointed Representative of Rudolf
involve an above average level of risk. Prospective This list of risks is not exhaustive. A
Wolff Limited, which is the principal olff Limited, which is the principal
Investors should consider all risks associated with the type firm and is authorised and regulated irm and is authorised and regulated
of investment described in this document, including the Applications will only be accepted from Retail investors if b by the Financial Conduct Authority, y the Financial Conduct Authority,
risk factors set out below. they are submitted by a Financial adviser who has given reference number 468022erence number 468022
you advice to your suitability for this investment
Prospective Investors must rely on their own investigation
of the Fund and examination of the risks involved, The information contained in this communication is
Rolling Into the Praetura Group.pptx
including the legal, taxation, financial and other confidential and is intended solely for the use of its [stamp] | [date]
consequences of investing. recipient. Before contemplating any transaction, investors 18/02/2019 16:50
should seek appropriate financial advice from a person
authorised for the purposes of the Financial Services and [path]
Markets Act 2000.