Page 18 - Praetura Presentation Guide Jan19
P. 18
The hard work has been done for you… just use the slide that best fits your content
To add a slide:
Home>New Slide (click on the down arrow)
This brings up all the slide masters (there’s about
180 of them)
They are ordered by:
• Required Slides
• 1/2/3/4/5/6 text box slides – so work out
how many text boxes/points you want to
make and select the appropriate layout
• Free content – so you can create your own
• Impact slides
• Charts Use the Slide Masters!!
Use the most appropriate slide master for the
content you want to create
You can adjust the formatting of these slides to
fit a specific requirement. However, for most use
cases, it’s preferable to find an alternative
SlideMaster that fits your content better than to
adjust a layout