Page 11 - Praetura EIS 2019 Brochure
P. 11

Praetura’s unique

                                                                           position, combining its

                                                                     existing infrastructure and

                                                                     longstanding relationships

                                                                       will provide an unrivalled

                                                                          capability to access the


             Northern Power

             Opportunity to Capitalise
             Praetura has a significant opportunity to benefit from the Government’s Northern
             Powerhouse initiative to increase prosperity in the North of England.

             The Northern Powerhouse agenda will see:

                                  The combined economic weight of the northern cities helping to rebalance the UK
                    Weight        economy from being South East focused.

                                  The North expanding its existing economic assets in science, technology, finance
                                  and other innovation clusters.

                                  Improved connectivity within and between the Northern Cities through investment in
                                  transport, logistics and connectivity.

             Examples of North West Centres of Excellence include:
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