Page 10 - Praetura Group - April 2019
P. 10

             Funding The Praetura Group •

             The Group has secured cornerstone investment of £12.5m from Darren Carter, an existing

             Praetura Investor and successful entrepreneur, to allow us to create the Praetura Group.

             The Group has also recently secured a significant additional investment from Rob Memmott

            The funding is to allow:

            • Praetura Ventures to invest in staff to manage
               venture capital Funds

            • PDC to recruit a management team and to provide
               seed capital to underpin a larger, external fundraise

            • The Group to explore additional, complementary
               businesses to acquire or incubate

            • The establishment of a permanent balance sheet
               from which to leverage the growth of the Group                           100%     Debt                      Equity       100%

            Darren has also committed to provide significant
            cornerstone funding for Funds being launched by
            Praetura Ventures
                                                                                         70%             60%            100%            100%

                                                                                        PAF             PCF             PDC          Ventures
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15