Page 84 - Praetura EIS 2019 Fund Information Memorandum
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reasonable skill and care in any such selection.    structure.                                           Fund Manager in relation to conflicts identification,
       14.3.  The Fund Manager may from time to time change or   15.2.  In particular, the Fund Manager has considered and   management and monitoring. Please refer to the
             amend the terms of the relationship with the Custodian   documented the circumstances in which a conflict may   Information Memorandum which contains examples of
             including replacement thereof and shall negotiate such   arise as between:                               types of conflicts that might arise.
             terms on an arm ‘length basis and in good faith.     a)  the Fund Manager (including its officers, employees
       14.4.  The Fund Manager may amend the terms and conditions    and persons linked to it by control) and another fund   16.   Liability
             of this Agreement:                                      managed by the Fund Manager or the investors in   16.1.  The Fund Manager will act in good faith and with due
             a)  by giving the Investor not less than 10 business days’   that Fund.                                  diligence in its dealings with the Fund. The Fund Manager
                written notice if it is of an administrative nature and   b)  a fund or the investors in that fund and another funder   accepts responsibility for loss to an Investor only to the
                would not cause any prejudice to the Investor;       of investors in that fund;                       extent that such loss is due touts negligence, wilful default
             b)  by giving the Investor written notice with immediate   c)  a fund or the investors in that fund and another client   or fraud.
                effect if amendment is necessary to comply with      of the Fund Manager; or                      16.2.  Investors agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the
                HMRC requirements, FCA Rules or to maintain the EIS   d)  one client of the Fund Manager and another client of   Fund Manager against all losses, damage, claims, actions,
                Relief; or                                           the Fund Manager.                                liabilities, demands, costs and expenses arising from:
             c)  by giving the Investor not less than 10 business days’   15.3.  The Conflicts Policy detailed in this Information   a)  any breach of any of the Investor’s obligations, duties
                written notice to reflect changes to market practice,   Memorandum sets out how identified conflicts are   or representations which the Investor may be deemed
                its administrative processes, computer or database   managed. The Conflicts Policy includes details of any   to have given under the Agreement; and
                systems, client requirements or other changes    conflicts which the Fund Manager could not effectively   any untrue, inaccurate or incomplete information
                associated with managing the Fund.               manage in the event that they arose, and in which    b)  being provided by an Investor.
        14.5.  Investors will be given at least 10 business days’ written   circumstances the Fund Manager would not be in a   16.3.  The Fund Manager shall not be liable to the Investor
             notice in respect of any changes to the terms of this   position to provide its services to the Fund. The Conflicts   for any loss arising from any investment decision made
             Agreement referred to above, unless the specific    Policy sets out in which circumstances conflicts will be   in accordance with the Investment Objective and
             circumstances require a shorter or longer period    disclosed.                                           the Investment Restrictions or for any other action in
             (including, without limitation, where required to do so   15.4.  Investors agree that, unless the FCA Rules provide to the   accordance with this Agreement, except to the extent that
             under the legislation and regulations).             contrary, the Fund Manager (or an Associate) may still   such loss is directly due to the negligence or wilful default
        14.6.  The Fund Manager may assign this Agreement to any   undertake transactions in which the Fund Manager (or   or fraud of the Fund Manager or any of its employees.
             appropriate authorised and regulated person, and any   Associate) may have a material interest or relationship   16.4.  The Fund Manager accepts no responsibility for loss
             such assignee shall act as and be the successor Fund   with another party, or which may involve potential conflict   of tax benefits that an Investor may suffer as a result of
             Manager for the purposes of this Agreement, such    with the Fund Manager’s duty to the Fund, subject to the   any transactions that the Fund Manager carries out in
             assignment being effective upon written notice to the   terms of the Conflicts Policy, which shall ensure that such   connection with the Investor’s portfolio, save as provided
             Investor.                                           transactions are still effected on terms that are no less   for in the above clauses.
        14.7.  This Agreement is personal to the Investor and the   favourable to the Investors than if the conflict or potential   16.5.  Subject to Clauses 8.7 and 13, neither the Fund Manager
             Investor may not assign it.                         conflict of interest had not existed.                nor the Nominee shall be liable for any defaults of any
                                                             15.5.  In the circumstances described in clause 15.4 above, and   counterparty, agent, Custodian, funder or other person
                                                                 unless the FCA Rules provide to the contrary, neither the
        15.   Conflicts of Interest                                                                                   which holds money, investments or documents of title for
        15.1.  The Fund Manager has implemented a Conflicts Policy   Fund Manager nor any of its Associates shall be required   the Fund, save where such party which is an Associate.
             which sets out the steps the Fund Manager has taken   to account to Investors for any profit, commission or   16.6.  In the event of any failure, interruption or delay in the
             to identify and prevent or manage potential conflicts of   remuneration made or received from or by reason of such   performance of the Fund Manager’s obligations resulting
             interest in the course of the Fund Manager providing its   transactions.                                 from acts, events or circumstances not reasonably
             services under this Agreement, including any potentially   15.6.  The Fund Manager will maintain a record of any   within its control including but not limited to acts or
             caused by receipt of inducements from third parties or by   actual or potential conflicts and how such conflicts are   regulations of any governmental or supranational bodies
             the Fund Manager’s own remuneration and other incentive   managed and will report to the governing body of the   or authorities and breakdown, failure or malfunction of any
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