Page 19 - IM - Praetura Ventures 2019 EIS Fund
P. 19

Fund Charges Explained

                       Charges payable by the Investor                                     Charges payable by the Investee Company

                            Initial Charge                                                       Arrangement Fee
                            An initial fee of up to 2.5% will be charged to Investors in the Fund. This will be   A one-time arrangement fee of up to 4% of funds invested will be payable to the
                            payable to the Fund Manager prior to investment in the Investee Companies   Fund Manager by the Investee Companies upon investment.
                            and therefore will reduce the EIS relief available to Investors. This fee is to cover
                            all initial legal, professional and transaction costs.               Monitoring Fee

                                                                                                 An annual fee will be payable by an Investee Company at a rate of 1% of funds
                            Annual Management Charge                                             invested, subject to a minimum annual charge of £36,000.
                            An annual management charge of 2% of funds invested will be charged and
                            taken one year in advance.
                                                                                                 VAT will be charged on all applicable
                            Advisor Charges & Intermediary Commission                            fees and charges at the
                            If an Investor requests that a payment is made to their financial advisor or   prevailing rate.
                            intermediary for advice received, this will be deducted from the Investor’s
                            subscription monies.

                              Custodian Charges
                            Our nominated Custodian, The Share Centre, will hold investors’ money on
                            behalf of the Fund and will treat it as client money, subject to the FCA client                                     Performance Fee
                            money rules.                                                                            In order to align interests between the Fund Manager and
                                                                                                                   the Investors, no performance incentive is payable until the
                            The Custodian charges the Fund Manager a custody fee of £75 plus VAT                underlying Investee Companies have achieved a hurdle rate of
                            per annum per Investor.  This custody fee is passed on directly to                                      30% growth on the capital deployed.
                            Investors on a per annum basis.
                                                                                                                Thereafter, the Fund Manager will be entitled to 20% of profits
                            In addition, the Custodian charges the Fund Manager a dealing                                                          above this hurdle.
                            charge of 0.35% on all transactions, including the purchase and
                            sale of shares in Investee Companies. The Fund Manager will, as
                            part of Initial Charge, cover the dealing charge associated with                      The performance fee is charged in respect of the cumulative
                            the purchase of shares. The dealing charge payable on the sale                      Fund performance, as opposed to being payable in respect of
                            of shares will be passed through to the Investor by the                                            each individual investment within the Fund.
                            Fund Manager.
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