Page 17 - Praetura IM EIS2019 DRAFT
P. 17

Fund Benefits
                                                                            The benefits of investing in a fund structure are;

                                                                            •  Portfolio Effect                          •  Due Diligence
                                                                                Blending investments within a portfolio      Praetura undertakes detailed due diligence on
                                                                                diversifies risk across various disciplines.   potential investments ahead of investment.

                                                                            •  Structuring                               •  Co-Investment
                                                                                Praetura’s experienced team works            If there is capacity to do so, we would allow
                                                                                with portfolio companies to structure        our investors to co-invest with our Fund on
                                                                                investments in order to limit downside risk   any opportunity that may be of particular
                                                                                on behalf of investors.                      interest to them.

                                                                            •  Financial Reporting & Oversight           •  Greater Breadth of Opportunities
                                                                                Within our investment documentation,         Praetura has significant access to potential
                                                                                Praetura has significant rights to receive   transactions.  Our experienced investment
                                                                                information from portfolio companies as well   team seeks to assess each opportunity that
                                                                                as a board seat. Accordingly, we are able to   fits within our investment strategy and make
                                                                                monitor the progress of the business, identify   investments in only the best opportunities
                                                                                issues early and act to protect any investment   we see.
                                                                                as necessary.

                                                                            •  Enhanced Rights & Protection
                                                                                Through our investment documents, Praetura
                                                                                has significant rights enshrined within the
                                                                                portfolio company’s articles which allow us
                                                                                to veto certain actions and ensure that our
                                                                                investment is not prejudiced.

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