Page 17 - Venture Partner Proposal
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High Calibre Senior Team •
We’ve invested significantly in the Ventures team to enable us to manage significant funds
and scale the business
Jon Prescott (Business Dev.) Scott Hooton (Ops. Director) Ben Hatton (MD, Portfolio)
Jon has comprehensive links with the investor Scott provides strategic advice to a number Ben is a successful technology entrepreneur
community having been Area Sales Director of our technology and retail focused portfolio who founded and built Rippleffect, a full service
Octopus where he gained thorough knowledge companies. Scott previously held the position digital agency before selling the business to
of VCT, EIS and BPR products. of Chief Commercial Officer at Phones4U and Trinity Mirror where he became MD of Digital.
Caudwell Group for over 20 years.
Jon was responsible for developing and Ben is a board member of a number of
implementing business development strategy He has extensive experience in founding and Praetura’s technology investment businesses
focused heavily on the IFA community. scaling businesses with a particular focus on and provides significant technology and digital
building sales teams, propositions and marketing expertise in the appraisal of
He was previously Northern Business maximising retail opportunities. investments and across the portfolio.
Development Director for A J Bell.
Mark Lyons (Director) Guy Weaver (Director) Paul Bond (Compliance Dir.)
Mark has extensive experience in investing Guy was formerly a Director at KPMG and has Instrumental in setting up the regulatory
funds, evaluating and managing business extensive SaaS experience and a large network framework of several start-ups, Paul ensures
opportunities and working with management within technology businesses. Praetura and its portfolio firms operate within a
teams to implement growth strategies. flexible regulatory framework that is fully
He co-founded Introstream, a business helping compliant.
Most recently Mark held a Director position at a companies connect with technology
family office with over £1.5bn of assets under solutions and providers. As a consultant, Paul advised 30 FCA
management. authorised firms. He also established the entire
Guy is a member of Pro Manchester Science compliance arm of financial services firm True
Mark trained as a Chartered Accountant at and Technology Committee and a mentor for Potential and was central in obtaining
PwC. Manchester Tech Trust & Tech North authorisation for the firm’s investment platform,
Advocate. which currently holds $7bn in assets.