Page 9 - Venture Partners
P. 9

             Target Funds and Investments •

             Early Stage Strategy                                                          Investment Stage              Seed  Growth Capital

             Praetura will provide funding for both early and
             later stage venture capital deals                                             Investment Size                             £1m - £4m

                                                                                           Hold Periods                              3 – 6  Years

                                                                                           Investment per annum                           £25m +

                                                                                           Follow On Rounds             In c.60% of investments

                             Praetura                                                      Geographic                           66% North West

                                                                                           Co-Investment                         Actively sought

                                                                                           Transactions                              Fresh Equity
                Start Up   Development    Growth      Maturity
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14