Page 22 - Microsoft Word - geo class task.docx
P. 22

-  Human	habitation	is	forbidden	in	the	park	with	the	exception	of	staff	for	the
                       Tanzanian	National	Parks	authority
                   -  Due	to	its	biodiversity	and	ecological	significance,	the	park	has	been	listed	by
                       UNESCO	as	a	World	Heritage	Site
                   -  As	a	national	park,	it	is	designated	as	a	Category	II	protected	area	under	the	system
                       developed	by	the	International	Union	for	Conservation	of	Nature
                          o  This	means	it	needs	to	be	managed	(through	a	legal	instrument	or	other
                              means)	to	protect	the	ecosystem	or	ecological	processes	as	a	whole
                   -  Big	issue	is	bush	meat	trade
                          o  Hunting	of	lions	was	big	issue
                          o  Made	them	very	scarce
                          o  People	were	hunting	out	of	a	state	of	poverty	and	a	history	of	hunting
                          o  Cheetahs,	lions,	elephants,	impalas
                                  §  Tanzania	has	lost	2/3	of	elephants	in	5	years
                   -  Issue	of	corruption	within	hunting	protection	(inside	trade	etc)
                   -  A	General	Management	Plan	(2006-2016)	has	been	created	in	a	sustainable	manner
                       and	it	provides	guidance	on	how	to	execute	the	various	activities	within	the	park
                       under	4	main	themes:
                          o  Ecosystem	management
                          o  Outreach	services
                          o  Tourism	management
                          o  Park	operations
                   -  Major	management	concerns	include:
                          o  Poaching
                          o  Tourism	pressure
                          o  Wildfires
                          o  Lack	of	adequate	capacity	in	resource	monitoring
                          o  Water:
                                  §  Despite	numerous	sources	of	water	during	the	rain	season,	there	is
                                     only	one	river,	which	is	transnational
                                  §  This	river	faces	multiple	human-meditated	cross-boundary	threats
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