Page 32 - Microsoft Word - geo class task.docx
P. 32


                       •  Area	where	levels	of	subsoil	beneath	the	surface	of	the	earth	are
                          permanently	frozen	(known	as	permafrost).
                       •  Low	precipitation
                       •  Treelessàinstead	has	mosses,	lichen	and	dwarf	shrubs
                       •  Polar	bears,	arctic	fox,	wolf,	musk	ox,	bowhead	whale
                       •  2	typesàAlpine	tundra	and	Arctic	tundra

                       •  Arctic	tundra	is	found	near	or	North	of	the	Arctic	Circle
                       •  Alpine	tundra	found	at	high	altitudes	across	the	world,	often	mountainous
                              o  Focus	on	Arctic	tundra
                       •  Northern	Alaska,	Northern	Canada,	Eurasia	and	Scandinavia
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