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     Ethics of our Fighters: A Jewish View on War and Morality

     By Rabbi Shlomo Brody

     Jewish ��ghters grappled with the moral dilemmas posed by the brutality of
     the world wars, battling “terror with terror” against the great Arab revolt, and
     ��ghting in the Warsaw Ghetto, and today as we ��ght Hamas and others who
      seek to destroy the state of Israel and her people.                                                

     From the author of award-winning A Guide to the Complex, in Ethics of
     Our Fighters, Rabbi Shlomo Brody tells the story of these political dilemmas
     and moral debates. It draws from the pivotal historical moments of the
     last one hundred years to weave together the most important writings of
      contemporary ethicists with the insights of the greatest rabbinic scholars.
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