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since 1945. We witnessed atrocities on an   Our own son, Daniel, who fought in the   answers. We are all in the dark. Only G-d
        unimaginable level, with more Jews mur-  Gaza Envelope on that fateful Shabbat, is   has the solutions.
        dered in a single day than on any day since   one of the hostages presumed to have been   We must not ‘waste’ this challenging time
        the Holocaust. As a people, we suffered a   taken captive in Gaza.      of crisis. We must transform our suffering
        terrible blow.
                                            The world after Shabbat Simchat Torah   into a time of mercy and goodwill.
                                            5784, October 7, 2023, must not be the same
        The covenant                        as what it was before. It needs a complete   Transforming darkness to light
                                            recalibration; a more enlightened Jewish
        What unites us is not a social contract as   world must rise from this darkness.   Chanukah is the only Jewish festival to
        articulated by Rousseau and Hobbes, but                                 take place in the heart of winter, during
        a totally different and uniquely Jewish   We must conduct our political and public   the darkest and longest nights of the year.   1
        idea: covenant. It is one of the most revo-  interactions in a totally different manner.   The Jewish response to darkness can only
        lutionary principles of the Bible. Covenant   The culture of mutual denigration must   be light – rekindling the menorah lights in
        means a connection that does not stem   end. Destructive splits and baseless   the Temple and bringing the light of the
        from personal interest and the preser-  hatred gave rise to internal implosion and   chanukiah to every Jewish household.
        vation of private rights but rather from   national fragility, which the enemy could
        mutual destiny, purpose, trust and eternal   sense and identify with ease.  Ancient Greece is seen by our Sages as a
                                                                                kingdom of spiritual darkness, while Israel
        commitment to the divine and historic                                   is viewed as the kingdom of spiritual light.
        task that we bear. Hashem Himself, so   The culture of self-justification, accusa-
        to speak, bonds Himself to this covenant   tions and finger-pointing is a corrosive   The light of the spirit can and must tran-
                                                                                scend the darkness of the physical world.
        and links the Jewish people’s destiny to   impulse that only weakens us and eats
        the spiritual destiny of humanity. G-d   away at us from within. We’ve experienced   Darkness descended on Israel on Simchat
        enters the covenant and calls on the entire   it for years in Israel and, to put it mildly, it   Torah. Yet the light of Hashem, His Torah,
        Jewish people to bind themselves to Him   has not led to any positive results.  the incredible courage and heroism of our
        and to each other with bonds of mutual   The time has come to regroup and press   soldiers and civilians as well as the power
        care and love, for the sake of the Jewish   restart, heeding the words attributed to   of our common spiritual fate and destiny
        people and the entire human race.   Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the   will transcend this darkness.
                                            same thing over and over and expecting
        Within a few nightmarish hours on Octo-  different results.”            Jewish unity is the flaming torch that
        ber 7, our mutual covenant of fate that                                 will guide us through the darkness. The
        had been profoundly compromised was   Woe to us if we revert to the same behav-  motto of Israel facing this conflict is “ד ַחַַיַ ְ� בְּ
        renewed once more – through unbear-  iors of recklessness and belligerence, of   ַ חַ ֵ�צֵּ ַנַ ְנַ, together we will win.” If there is one
        able suffering, horrific scenes and shared   self-righteousness and canceling the views   thing Jewish history has taught us it is
        remorse.                            of others. This wonderful unity must con-  that genuine Jewish unity is our spiritual
                                            tinue – not only during wartime but, most   Iron Dome.
        No more were we split into camps of sup-  importantly, after the war is over. Creating
        porters and opponents of legal reform. No   a new political culture of consensus, empa-  With G-d’s help, we will not only win but
        “Just Not Bibi” or “Only Bibi,” no left and   thy and broad agreement must dictate all   usher in the next stage of Jewish redemp-
        right, no ultra-Orthodox and secular, no   of our country’s major decisions at every   tion, when all of Israel will stand together
                                                                                as one people with one heart. No one
        reservists and those refusing to serve, no   stage of the war and beyond. Obviously, at
        coalition and combative opposition, no   some stage, after the war and, please G-d,   knows for sure what the solutions will be
        Israeli Jewry and Diaspora Jewry.                                       going forward. But we do know that the
                                            the attainment of all our goals, there will   best way to overcome the hurdles ahead
        Once again, we are one people. One   be a commission of inquiry. That will be a   is to face them together.
        national unity emergency government.  big test for Israeli society. The commission   Together indeed, we will win.
                                            should be composed of people free of any
        Hundreds of thousands of Israelis returned   political agendas and personal interest       ה"זעבְּ  ַחַ ֵ�צֵּ ַנַ ְנַ ד ַחַַיַ ְ� בְּ ק ַרַ
        from overseas to defend their homeland,   and void of any pre-ordained outcomes.
        and thousands of global Jewish leaders are   It must be acceptable to as broad a major-
        coming to support us and to strengthen   ity as possible, or it will not be trusted. It   1.  The Torah’s calendar is linked to the northern
        themselves. Every day, solidarity groups   must be part of our society’s rehabilitation   hemisphere, where Biblical and Talmudic history
        from all around the Jewish global commu-  and not an encore to its deterioration. Not   transpired.
        nity arrive in Israel. Though people nor-  a committee that will deal only with mili-
        mally flee from war zones, three hundred   tary and political failure, but a forum that
        thousand Israelis have returned during   will be part of a process to rebuild mutual
        the war, growing the Israeli population   trust and solidarity, the very foundations
        by 3%! “Who is like your People Israel, one   of a healthy society.
        nation in the Land?” (Shmuel II 7:23).
                                            With enough humility and generosity of
        No longer are we “a people spread out and   spirit, I believe it possible to usher in a   Rabbi Doron Perez
        divided,” as Haman said of us, but one   renewal of our national covenant. No one   is the Executive Chairman
        People, united at last. But what price we   person or sector has the exclusive pos-  of World Mizrachi.
        have had to pay.                    session of truth, and no tribe has all the

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