Page 30 - HaMizrachi YH USA 2020_Neat
P. 30

Mizrachi in Israel’s National Institutions

                                                                                       Gael Grunewald

        The One and the Whole

            av Kook, in  Orot, described    eyes of all peoples. So I ordered a blue   So  on  the  one  hand,  the  tzitzit
            the establishment of the State   and white flag with a Magen David   reminds us of our great love for Eretz
      Rof Israel as “The foundation of      drawn on it, and thus the national   Yisrael, while on the other, the obli-
       G-d’s  throne  in  the  world,  the  only   flag was born.”               gation of mitzvah observance. This is
       desire of which is that G-d should be                                     the bond between Land and Torah.
       One and His Name One.”               Sea, Heaven and the Throne of Glory  And this is why the flag is also blue
                                                                                 and white, expressing the Jewish peo-
       Rav Kook’s greatness – at a time     The Torah does not explain why the   ple’s independence in the Land G-d
       of  immense  complexity  –  was  his   color blue was chosen for the  tzitzit.   gave us and in which we are obliged
       insistence on seeing the whole       However, the  Gemara tells us it had   to listen to His commands.
       picture, the whole process, with all
       of  its complexities  and  challenges –   nothing to do with considerations   From Corona to Renewal
       rather than focusing on any particular   of  design  and  fashion.  This  color
       aspect of Israel’s return to its Land.  was designated to remind the Jewish   This year, during the days commem-
                                            people of their Father in Heaven:
       To a large extent, the Israeli flag   “Rabbi Meir said: ‘Why is blue differ-  orating Holocaust  and  Renewal,
       integrates  this   intricacy.  An    ent from all the other colors?’ Because   the whole world is as “one bundle,”
                                                                                 passing before Him like sheep. How
       individual   tallit  and  national   blue is comparable to the sea, and the
       belonging. The  tallit as correction   sea is comparable to the sky and the   appropriate it is to see the Israeli flag
       for the collective sin of the Spies   sky to the Throne of Glory…” (Sotah   flying over the buildings in Israel, and
       and a personal reminder to every     17a).                                on the balconies of Your people, next
       individual.                                                               to Jews praying to G-d – each in his
                                            Blue skies remind the Jewish people   own space, enveloped in a tallit – to
       Blue and White                       of their Father in Heaven not only   speedily send succor to His world and
                                                                                 thanking Him for the merit we have
                                            because He is in Heaven, but also
       The Israeli flag – two blue horizontal   because of their unity and eternity.   of living in a generation in which the
       stripes above and below a central blue   The one color of the sky reminds us   Jewish people has a State capable of
       Magen  David  – was  adopted  by  the   that G-d is One and His Name is One,   defending and protecting its citizens
       First Zionist Congress and later, as   and that He sees all and looks from   from every threat.
       the official flag of the State of Israel –   Above upon everything below.  May He bless all of Am Yisrael to be
       by Israel’s Knesset.                                                      able to celebrate  Torat Yisrael and
                                            Blue and white together remind us    Eretz Yisrael together, with great
       The Magen David is an ancient Jewish
       symbol, used frequently in Judaica   of cloudy skies, producing rain at the   joy, in good health and economic
       and synagogues throughout the ages.   appointed time when we listen to    strength, speedily in our days.
       Its source is unknown and its actual   G-d’s  mitzvot and observe them. For   Based  on an essay  by Rabbi Ya'akov
       connection to King David and his     that purpose were we given Eretz Yis-  Medan in the Be'er Miriam anthology
       shield unclear.                      rael – so we can observe G-d’s mitz-  for Yom HaAtzmaut.
                                            vot in G-d’s Land. Indeed, the rain
       The colors are the colors of the tallit,   falling on the land in Eretz Yisrael is
       the tzitzit. David Wolfson, the second   the direct expression of our people’s
       President of the Zionist Organization,   connection to G-d (Devarim 11).
       designed the flag for the First Zionist
       Congress  in  Basel:  “And  behold!  The   Hence the color of Heaven symbolizes
       idea lit up in my mind that we already   the fact that accepting the mitzvot is
       had a flag, blue and white. The tallit   an obligatory condition for inheriting
       with which we wrap ourselves in      the Land. Hence it is also the color   Gael Grunewald is Head of the Rural
       prayer… that is our symbol! Let us   chosen for the  tzitzit, for that too is   of  the WZO, former  Director  of  World
       remove the tallit from its bag and roll   slated to remind us of G-d’s mitzvot –   Bnei Akiva and one of World Mizrachi’s
       it out for the eyes of Israel and the   יתווצמ לכ תא םתישעו ורכזת ןעמל””.  representatives in the National Institutions

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