Page 18 - HaMizrachi_Tu BiShvat_AUS_5781
P. 18


                                                                    R abbi L ord Jonathan Sack  s  ל“צז
                                                                    Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל“צז

       Guests on the Earth

           ome commands in the Torah were   seems to conflict with a basic prin-  make up for its sabbath years” (Vay-
           understood by our Sages to be far   ciple of Jewish law, it will be under-  ikra 26:34). Behind this are two con-
      Smore extensive than they seemed      stood restrictively, at least by some. If   cerns. One is environmental. As the
       at first sight. One striking  example   it exemplifies such a principle, it will   Rambam points out, land  which  is
       refers to the conduct of a siege in the   be understood broadly. Law exists not   overexploited eventually erodes and
       course of war.                       just to regulate but also to educate.  loses its fertility. The Israelites were
                                                                                 therefore commanded to conserve the
       The Torah states: “When you lay      In the case of bal tashchit, there is an   soil by giving it periodic fallow years,
       siege to a city for a long time, fighting   obvious fit with much else in Jewish   not  pursuing  short-term gain  at  the
       against it to capture it, do not destroy   law  and  thought.  The  Torah  is  con-                   2
       its trees by putting an axe to them,   cerned with what we would nowa-    cost of long-term desolation.  The
                                                                                 second, no less significant, is theolog-
       because you can eat their fruit. Do not   days call “sustainability.” This is par-
       cut them down. Are the trees people,   ticularly true of the three commands   ical: “The Land,” says G-d, “is Mine;
                                                                                 you  are  but strangers  resident  with
       that you should besiege them? How-   ordaining periodic rest: Shabbat, the
       ever,  you  may  cut  down  trees  that   shmittah year and the yovel year. On   Me” (Vayikra 25:23). We are guests on
       you know are not fruit trees and use   Shabbat, all agricultural work is for-  earth.
       them to build siege works until the   bidden, “so that your ox and your          There is another group of
       city at war with you falls.” (Devarim   donkey may rest” (Shemot 23:12).            commands which directs
       20:19-20)                            It sets a limit to our intervention in            us against over-interfer-
                                            nature and  the  pursuit  of economic              ence with nature. The
       This prohibition against destroying   growth. We become conscious that
       fruit-bearing trees was known as the   we are creations, not just creators.
       rule of bal tashchit, “Do not destroy.”   The earth is not ours  but G-d’s.
       On the face of it, it is highly limited in   For six days it is handed
       scope. It does no more than forbid a   over to us, but on the sev-
       “scorched earth” policy in the conduct   enth we symbolically abdi-
       of war. It seems to have no peace-   cate that power. We may per-
       time application. However, our Sages   form no ‘work,’ i.e. an act that
       understood it very broadly, to include   alters the state of something
       any act of needless destruction. The   for human purposes. Shabbat is
       Rambam  states  the  law  thus:  “Not   a weekly reminder of the integ-
       only does this apply to trees, but also   rity of nature and the boundaries of
       whoever breaks vessels or tears gar-  human striving.
       ments, destroys a building, blocks a
       wellspring of water or destructively   What  Shabbat does  for humans and
       wastes food transgresses the com-    animals, the shmittah and yovel years
       mand of  bal  tashchit.”   This  is  the   do for the Land. The earth too is
       halachic basis of an ethic of environ-  entitled to  its periodic  rest.
       mental responsibility.               The Torah warns that if the
                                            Israelites do not respect this,
       Why did the Oral tradition broaden   they will suffer exile: “Then
       the scope of this single law? Often, a   shall the Land make up for its
       posek seeking to interpret Divine law   sabbatical years throughout the
       in specific cases, will endeavor to do   time that it is desolate and you
       so in a way consistent with the total   are in the land of your enemies;
                                            are in the land of your enemies;
       structure of Biblical teaching. If a text   then shall the Land rest and
                                            then shall the Land rest and
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