Page 23 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 23


                                                                                 Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

                                    The Execution of

                       Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua

                    .א ָר ְקִ ּיַו  ׁש ֵד ַקְיַו  ׁשוּד ִק ן ַמְז הי ָה תָב ׁש ב ֶרֶע םֹוי .ה ָר ֵק ְד ַמ ְב ג ַרֳהֶנ הָנֹורֲח ַאָב ַעו ּמ ׁש ןֶב רָזָע ְל ֶא י ִב ַר קי ִדַצ
                       .ה ָרוצ רָצְו רֵצֹוי ,םיקלֱא א ָר ָב ְב ֹות ָמ ׁשִנ ה ָת ְצי .ה ָר ְמָג ְל םיִ ּי ַחַב והוחִנ ִה אלְו ויָלָע ופל ׁש ב ֶר ֶח
                                The righteous Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua was killed with a chisel.
                                 It was Sabbath eve, the time of Kiddush, and as he recited it,
                              They drew the sword upon him, not permitting him to live to finish it.
                         His soul departed at the words “G-d created,” the Creator and Sculptor of forms.
               ne of the central themes of   We learn that this all happens while Rabbi   in reference to the final moments leading
               the Tisha B’Av kinot is the cat-  Elazar ben Shamua is still reciting the pre-  up to the First Temple’s destruction. There
               astrophic collapse of Torah   liminary verses to Kiddush. He is now in the   it states that the Levites were singing the
       Oauthority, along with its giants,   middle of the third verse, which includes   appropriate Psalm (94) in utter despera-
        as foretold in Eicha 2:9, “Her king and her   the word, “ ׁש ּ ֵד ַקְי ַו”:   tion, given the impending catastrophe.
        princes are among the nations: there is    ל ָּכ ִמ ת ַב ׁש ֹוב י ִּכ ֹותֹא  ׁש ּ ֵד ַקְי ַו י ִעי ִב ּׁ ש ַה םֹוי ת ֶא …ך ֶר ָבְי ַו  Approaching the final verse (23), “And He
        no Torah; her prophets also find no vision     .תֹוש ֲע ַל םי ִקל ֱא א ָר ָּב ר ׁש ֲא ֹו ּ ת ְכא ַל ְמ  has brought upon them their own iniquity
        from the L-rd.” This theme reverberates                                 and will cut them off in their own evil”
        throughout the kinot in a plethora of his-  This is the meaning in the poem: “ ׁשּו ּ ד ִק ן ַמ ְז   (ם ֵתי ִמ ְצַי ם ָת ָע ָר ְבּו ם ָנֹוא ת ֶא ם ֶהי ֵל ֲע ב ׁשָּי ַו), Chazal
        torical settings, including the Temple’s   א ָר ְקִּי ַו  ׁשּ ֵד ַקְי ַו.” We then learn that at this very   say, ּוא ָּב ֶׁש ד ַע ּוני ֵקֹל ֱא ’ה ם ֵתי ִמ ְצַי ר ַמֹול ּוקי ִּפ ְס ִה אֹל ְו
        destruction, the Bar Kochba defeat, the   moment the execution takes place and that   םּו ׁש ָב ְכּו םִיֹוג, “and they hardly had time to
        Crusades in medieval times, as well the   Rabbi Elazar is one word shy of completing   say, ‘The L-rd our G-d will cut them off,’
        modern-day Holocaust.               the verse. His life expires as he is saying,   when the heathens came and captured
                                            “םי ִקל ֱא א ָר ָּב,” with the final word, “תֹוש ֲע ַל,”   them.”
        One particular elegy stands out which is   remaining unsaid.
        dedicated exclusively to this theme: the                                The Talmud concludes with an ambiguous
        disintegration of the Torah world. Arzei   In his commentary to Bereishit 2:3,   comment: “The same thing happened in
        HaLevanon, composed by the 13th-century   Ramban proposes that all the days of Cre-  the Second Temple” (הָּיִנ ְ ּׁ ש ַּ ב ן ֵכ ְו). The pre-
        Ashkenazi Rabbi Meir ben Yechiel, bewails   ation represent a blueprint for six millen-  cise details of Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua’s
        the martyrdom of the famous 10 great   nia of world history. The ultimate objective   execution might very well be that which
        scholars (תּוכ ְל ַמ י ֵגּור ֲה ה ָר ָש ֲע) executed by the   and aspiration is to move the world into   is alluded to in that closing Talmudic com-
        Romans in the aftermath of the Second   the eschatological seventh millennia. This   ment, “הָּיִנ ְ ּׁ ש ַּ ב ן ֵכ ְו.”
        Temple’s destruction and the Bar Kochba   is the pro-active meaning of “תֹוש ֲע ַל.”  On Tisha B’Av, we beg for ּוני ֵקֹל ֱא ‘ה ם ֵתי ִמ ְצַי,
        rebellion. In this particular Tisha B’Av ver-  Clearly, Rabbi Akiva and colleagues viewed   as we engage in doing our part: “תֹוש ֲע ַל,”
        sion of these tragic episodes (there are four   the Bar Kochba uprising as a prelude to   in ushering in the era of full redemption
        such versions – including the Yom Kippur   Messianic days. They were engaged in   speedily in our days.
        version of Eila Ezkara), each of the Sages   “תֹוש ֲע ַל” activities, in their gallant attempt
        murdered is enveloped with a particular   to move the Jewish nation out of exile and
        mitzvah reflecting enormous significance   usher in “the end of days” as quickly as pos-
        to his martyrdom.                   sible. But, tragically, Divine Providence had
        In the case of Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua,   a very different plan for the nation. Rabbi
        the mitzvah is the Kiddush recitation on   Elazar ben Shamua would not be allowed
        Friday night. Whether absolutely histori-  to utter the word “תֹוש ֲע ַל” in his Kiddush,   Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler is a former stu-
        cal or purely allegorical, the poet provides   as the entire nation’s drive to implement   dent of, and special assistant to, Rabbi
                                            “תֹוש ֲע ַל” would fall short. And for this we
        the setting – the murder takes place while                              Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
        reciting the Kiddush, along with a focus   weep and cry on Tisha B’Av.
        upon the precise word in the Kiddush –   Most remarkable is a similar thought   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
        thereby leaving the Kiddush unfinished.  echoed by our Talmudic Sages (Ta’anit 29a)
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