Page 30 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 30


                                                                                 Rabbi Judah Mischel

                                     We are All from


                   hen beloved Israeli author,   In the Torah’s account of Ya’akov Avinu   Israel” (Eicha 2:1). Reb Shlomo Halberstam,
                   Shmuel Yosef “Shai” Agnon   fleeing his brother Eisav’s wrath, Ya’akov   The Bobover Rebbe, explains this pasuk in
                   was awarded the Nobel    is  alone, surrounded  by  darkness,  and   connection to Ya’akov Avinu. The glory
        WPrize for Literature in 1966,      sleeping on the cold ground. Suddenly, he   (tiferet) of Israel (Ya’akov) is our achdut, our
        his famous acceptance speech revolved   experiences a “vision of the night”: he sees   togetherness, the oneness of our greater
        around his Jewish identity, his relation-  a ladder to Heaven with angels “ascending   family. This is what was cast to the ground.
        ship to Torah, his love for Yiddishkeit and   and descending,” and realizes he is in the   Indeed, as is well known and oft-quoted
        his kesher to Yerushalayim.         future Makom haMikdash, the place of the   but tragically not yet internalized, the
                                            Holy Temple.                        Temple was destroyed due to sinat chinam,
        When asked by Gustav VI, the King of                                    baseless hatred (Yoma 9b). The Bobover
        Sweden, where he had been born, Agnon   Ya’akov Avinu represents and expresses   Rebbe concludes that the rebuilding of
        replied, “Your Majesty, like all Jews, I come   the midda of tiferet, ‘splendor,’ which is the   the Temple will come through reclaiming
        from Jerusalem.”                    quality of the harmonious uniting of oppo-  our people’s tiferet, our achdut – our efforts
                                            sites. In his night vision, he sees a place
        In his speech, Agnon addressed the hon-  and a time in which he and his brother   toward shalom.
        ored assembly and again spoke of his con-                               The halachot of Tisha B’Av restrict us from
        nection to our eternal capital: “As a result   will be in harmony and peace, in which   she’eilat shalom, greeting one another. In
        of the great catastrophe in which Titus of   the Jewish family will be reunited. When   any case, how can we wish each other
                                            he awakens, he is inspired to pray, י ּ ת ְב ַׁש ְו
        Rome destroyed the Holy City and Israel                                 shalom aleichem on a day when we deeply
        was exiled from its Land, I was born in   י ִב ָא תי ֵּב ל ֶא םֹול ׁש ְב – “and I shall return to my   feel the lack of shalom and shleimut in the
                                            father’s house in peace...” (Bereishit 28:21).
        one of the cities of the Exile, Buczacz. But                            world?
        I always regarded myself as one who was   We too, through shalom and brotherhood,
        born in Jerusalem. In a dream, in a vision   are charged to restore the splendor and   Consider: is there someone we are
        of the night, I saw myself standing with my   beauty of Am Yisrael. ‘Ya’akov’ will then rise   estranged from, a former business asso-
        brother Levites in the Holy Temple, sing-  up from the ground, the dawn will break,   ciate, an old classmate, friend or family
        ing with them the songs of David, King of   and we will return to י ִב ָא תי ֵּב.   member from whom we have grown dis-
        Israel…”                                              ְ                 tant? Perhaps now is the right time, the
                                            ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ת ֶר ֶא ְפ ּ ת ץ ֶר ֶא םִי ַמ ּׁ ש ִמ ךי ִל ׁש ִה – “He has cast   opportune time, to extend a she’eilat shalom.
                      ◆◆◆                   down from heaven to earth the glory of
                                                                                It has been 2,000 years since our “brother
       Photo: Sharon Gabay                                                      and achdut to our neighbors, sisters and
                                                                                Levites” have sung those songs in the
                                                                                Beit HaMikdash. May we extend  shalom
                                                                                brothers, and make efforts toward repair-
                                                                                ing relationships, and may this bring us
                                                                                closer to our birthplace, our י ִב ָא תי ֵּב, our
                                                                                Father’s home.

                                                                                Rabbi Judah Mischel is Executive Direc-
                                                                                tor of Camp HASC, the Hebrew Acad-
                                                                                emy for Special Children, Mashpiah of
                                                                                OU-NCSY and founder of Tzama Nafshi.

                                                                                    A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

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