Page 12 - cRc Pesach Guide 2021
P. 12

From the Desk of

                                Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beth Din

           One of the mitzvot that we fulfill at the Pesach Seder is   and so that we would demonstrate greater faith in G-d
           that of Hasebah – of reclining in our seats, especially as   amidst adversity to be worthy of eventually receiving the
           we eat the  matzah and drink the four cups of wine, to   Torah.  So, too, even the poorest person who suffers from
           demonstrate our status as free people, exalted in stature   many trials and tribulations must recline to demonstrate
           by the Almighty (see  Pesachim 108a,  Orach Chaim  472).    his faith that G-d’s deliverance can come in the “blink of
           The Midrash (Shemot Rabbah 20:18) derives this obligation   an eye.”  Similarly, we, as a nation, recline even in modern-
           from the verse at the beginning of  Parshat Beshalach   day exile to remind ourselves that our vicissitudes are a
           (Shemot 13:18) which uses the word “VaYasev” (containing   prelude  towards  redemption,  just  as  in  the  days  of  our
           the same root as Hasebah) to describe how G-d “turned”   exodus from Egypt.
           the Jewish people in the direction of the wilderness   This message is especially pertinent as we prepare to
           towards the Sea of Reeds following the exodus from   celebrate  our  second  Pesach  during  the  Coronavirus
           Egypt.  The Midrash comments that “so too, our Rabbis   pandemic.  This period has been extraordinarily challenging
           declare that even the poorest Jew may not eat on Pesach   and painful, and yet we still perform Hasebah at our Pesach
           until he “turns” in his seat, just as G-d had us turn [when   Seder, reclining like royalty as a demonstration of our
           we left Egypt].”
                                                                faith and commitment to the Almighty.  The Pesach Seder
           Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, shlit”a, in his Haggadah commentary   serves as the eternal reminder that regardless of the tests
           “Chazon L’Yamin” explains, based on the commentary of   that surround us, G-d watches over us and remains poised
           Rabbeinu Chananel, that the point of this Midrash is that   to deliver us from our suffering at a moment’s notice.
           G-d made our journey more circuitous and complicated,   L’Shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim – may we rejoice together
           so that He could perform more miracles on our behalf,   next year in Jerusalem.

               PESACH… WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT?

        Our wise Sages of the Mishnah teach us, “In every generation   March 27, 2021, and ends outside of Israel at the conclusion
        one must consider himself as if he left Egypt.” Unlike other   of the 22nd day of Nissan, Sunday, April 4, 2021.
        Jewish holidays, where we commemorate a particular miracle   Our Av Beth Din and Dayanim have reviewed the content
        or event, on Pesach it’s our duty to transport ourselves to   to make sure this Guide meets halachic standards, and our
        over 3,300 years ago, as slaves to Pharaoh in the land of   Rabbis and staff have spent countless hours researching,
        Egypt. In the words of the Rambam, “one must show himself   writing, editing, and designing to make this information
        as though he actually has left Egypt.” On a practical level,   available for you to read, use, and enjoy.
        families throughout the world get together at the Pesach
        Seder, we get rid of our chametz, we eat flat matzah, called   To get up-to-the-minute information about Pesach products
        lechem oni, bread of affliction, and we eat maror, the bitter   and so much more, visit our websites at and
        herbs, that give us a taste of the bitter life of a slave. Indeed,; download our free app, cRc Kosher Guide;
        every Pesach grants us the opportunity to share the beauty   and follow us on Twitter and Facebook – @cRcKosher. In print
        of our  Torah,  and  the freedom we have  always fought to   and online, we’re your Kosher Community Connection!
        protect.                                                It’s our sincerest prayer that our observance of Hashem’s
        This year Pesach begins with the first Seder on the eve of   redemption of our People more than 3,300 years ago will lead
        the 15th day of Nissan, corresponding to Saturday evening,   to the Ultimate Redemption in 5781.           E

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