Page 16 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 16


                                                                              Rabbi Avraham Blidstein

                                            Who Takes

                                       the First Step?

         .ם ֶד ֶק ְּכ ּוני ֵמָי  ׁש ּ ֵד ַח ה ָבּו ׁש ָנ ְו ךי ֶל ֵא ‘ה ּונ ֵבי ׁש ֲה  return. It’s not a condition, it’s a promise.   Thus we conclude Megillat Eicha with a
                                           What’s the significance of this promise?  request for redemption which breaks forth
         Take us back, O L-rd, to Yourself,                                     from great distress and difficulty. But we
              and let us come back;        In any damaged relationship, the question   don’t impose everything on G-d – the request
             renew our days as of old!     arises – who will take the first step toward   includes responsibility and partnership on
                                           reconciliation? Who will take responsibil-
                    Eicha 5:21                                                  our side as well.
                                           ity? Sometimes each side waits for the other
                                           to take the first step, for the other to take   From here to the continuation of the verse:
                                           responsibility. If I take the first step, it might   ם ֶד ֶק ְּכ ּוני ֵמָי ׁש ּ ֵד ַח, “Renew our days as of old.”
             his line is burnt into our conscious-  seem like I am pleading guilty. It might seem   We request “new days,” renewed days; and
             ness as the concluding verse of   like I am giving in, admitting defeat. But   on the other hand, like days of old. How can
             Eicha. Except that it is not really   there is another, more subtle consideration.   we have “new-old” days?
      Tthe last verse. It’s the penultimate   I might be afraid to take the first step, lest
      verse. The last verse is actually much more   the other side will not respond, lest I be   It seems to me that we must read this verse
      pessimistic (ּונ ָּת ְס ַא ְמ סֹא ָמ ם ִא י ִּכ). However, we   rejected.  as a continuation of the previous one – ...ה ּ מ ָל
      customarily repeat the optimistic verse                                   םי ִמָי ך ֶרֹא ְל ּונ ֵב ְז ַע ַּת, “Why have You forgotten
      (’ה ּונ ֵבי ִׁש ֲה) so that the conclusion of Megil-                      us utterly, forsaken us for so many days?”
      lat Eicha already invites us to look toward                               Instead of “forsaken for so many days,” we
      rectification, in the direction of teshuva and                            ask to “renew our days as of old.” Perhaps
      the High Holidays.                     In any damaged                     we must understand the novelty of “days of
      What is the real content of this verse within                             old” as antithetical to the forsakenness of
                                                                                “many days.” The old days to which we’ve
      its original context in Megillat Eicha? What   relationship, the          grown accustomed are the days upon which
      is its meaning for our own daily lives?                                   G-d forsook us. They are long and arduous
      ךי ֶל ֵא ’ה ּונ ֵבי ׁש ֲה – this is a request from G-d to   question arises –   (ך ֶרֹא also means long). When G-d returns to
      return us to Him. This is strange – osten-                                us, when He is with us, when He does not
      sibly it is man who is expected to repent,   who will take the            abandon us – there is a great renewal from
      not that G-d should return him. According                                 the days upon which we were forsaken. And
      to some opinions, repentance is a positive   first step toward            yet, it is a return to the days of old, when
      commandment. On the other hand, we pray                                   G-d was with us. Our desire stems from a
      three times a day, ּונ ֵרי ִז ֲח ַה ְו ...ך ֶת ָרֹות ְל ּוני ִב ָא ּונ ֵבי ִׁש ֲה   reconciliation?   memory of these days of old.
      ךיֶנ ָפ ְל ה ָמ ֵל ׁש ה ָבּו ׁש ְת ִּב “Return us, our Father, to         In our generation, we’ve merited that G-d
      Your Torah.” It’s possible that this request   Who will take              answered our prayer and returned us to
      here expresses the depth of the destruction                               Him, to His Land. Will we keep our promise,
      – we are so deep into exile and despair we                                ה ָבּו ׁשָנ ְו? If so, perhaps we will merit that G-d
      can no longer return alone. At most, we can   responsibility?             will not abandon us for “many days,” but
      ask G-d to return us to Him. Perhaps just                                 will “renew our days as of old.”
      the request of G-d to return us is already a
      significant initiation on our part.
                                           This is the importance of the promise ה ָבּו ׁשָנ ְו.
      ה ָבּו ׁש ָנ ְו – At first glance, this seems like a   We tell G-d we can’t take the first step. Not
      condition. We will return to G-d if – only   because we want to win the argument, but
      if – He returns us to Him. If so, it is once   because we have no strength in the depth
      again a passive stance on man’s part – we   of the exile. Therefore, even though we can’t
      will not take the first step; we ask G-d to do   initiate the actual first step, we initiate the
      so. But perhaps we can read deeper. We are   request. What’s more, we promise that if G-d   Rabbi Avraham Blidstein is the Rav of
      promising that if G-d takes the first step and   takes the first step, we will respond. We will   Tekoa and heads the Tochnit Hemshech
      returns us to Him – we will respond. We will   not reject Him.            in Midreshet Nishmat.

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