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      and religious and moral value system –   history, the Philistines’ main spiritual role   of Jewish identity and destiny, it is these
      anti-religious decrees, forced acculturation   was to oppose the Jewish people’s claim to   very foundations that are always attacked
      or conversion. From the ancient Moabites   ownership – and therefore sovereignty – in   by Israel’s enemies, at different times and
      through the Hellenistic decrees in the time   this Land. The first two kings of Israel, Shaul   in different eras.
      of Chanukah, the Crusades and the Inqui-  and David, constantly fought the Philistines
      sitions, the aim was always to attack our   time and again. The Tribes of Israel were   Just as the Jewish people have been blessed
      values and way of life. This is opposition to   not united and both monarchs attempted to   with the miracle of both surviving and
      ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ת ַרֹו ּ ת.             create one sovereign entity under a united   thriving against all the odds and all types of
                                           kingship out of the disparate and disunited   antisemitic attacks for thousands of years,
      Edomite antisemitism is committed to our   tribes of Israel. 2            so may G-d continue to bless the State of
      physical destruction – from Amalek through                                Israel, the pinnacle of Jewish enterprise in
      Haman to the Nazis. This is an attack on   Says the Gaon, this was the Philistines’
      the very physical existence of the Jewish   spiritual mission – to constantly oppose any   the modern era. May it continue to succeed
      people as a distinct people, independent   sovereign Jewish presence in the Land. And   and flourish for its own sake and for the
      of any beliefs or religious practices. This is   as the Jewish collective presence intensifies,   great reservoir of blessing it brings to all of
      opposition to ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ם ַע.     so does Philistine opposition.       humanity.
      Philistine antisemitism, the most pertinent                               And of course, the key to the fulfillment of
      for us today, is not opposition to our spiritual   Palestinian Denialism and the   this prophetic blessing is the rebuilding of
      values or our physical existence, but rather                              the Beit HaMikdash. May we merit the com-
      to our sovereign claim to ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ץ ֶר ֶא. To quote   Ghost of the Philistines  plete rebuilding of Yerushalayim speedily
      the Gaon’s ingenious insight: “The Philis-  Incredibly, this is exactly the form that   in our days.
      tines caused great trouble for the Jewish   modern-day Palestinian denialism has
      people and didn’t allow them any sovereign   taken. It even bears an all-too-similar name
      presence and form of governance in the   – םי ִא ָני ִט ְס ַל ָפ, Palestinians – to the ancient   1   “Moav is the root of Israel’s spiritual contamination,
      Land, as the verse says, ‘No blacksmith was   םי ִּ ת ְ ׁש ִל ְּ פ, Philistines. 3  Edom is the root of destruction that damaged Israel the
      to be found in all the land of Israel, for the                            most and the Philistines persistently harassed Israel and
      Philistines said lest the Hebrews make a   Although there is no ancestral connection   did not allow them any government or sovereignty, as it
                                                                                says ‘Not a blacksmith was to be found [in all the Land
                                           whatsoever, the Palestinians of today carry
      sword or a spear’” (Shmuel I, 19). No to a                                of Israel] (Shmuel I, 13:19)’… And they parallel the three
      Jewish government and no to a Jewish army.  the spiritual torch of the Philistines. In so   principles of holiness which encompass everything”
                                           many ways, the delegitimization campaign   (Aderet Eliyahu, Chavakuk 3:14).
      Since the culmination of the Holocaust and   fueled by Palestinian denialism of Israel’s
      the establishment of the State of Israel, the   right to exist is a direct spiritual incarnation   2   The Philistines are mentioned 286 times in Tanach,
      Philistine genre of antisemitism – anti-Zi-  of the Biblical role of the Philistines.   with well over half appearing in the Book of Shmuel,
                                                                                predominantly in the context of 20 separate battles with
      onism and systematic delegitimization of   Just like the Philistines of yesteryear, so   the Israelites during the reigns of Shaul and David. Shaul
      Israel’s right to self-determination in its   have the Palestinians and their supporters   and Yonatan were killed in war against them and of
      Land – has become the prevalent mode of   created a form of nationalism with one, sin-  course David first appeared on the scene by confronting
      antisemitism in our era. It had been dor-  gle-minded purpose – to deny the Jewish   Goliath, a Philistine giant.
      mant for thousands of years while we were   people any right to self-determination and   3   The emperor Hadrian famously changed the name
      a wandering and stateless people. Now that   governance in their historic homeland.   of the Land of Israel and Judea to “Palaestina” in Latin,
      we have returned, so too has this virulent                                “Palestine” in English, as this is the translation of the
                                                                                from Hebrew of Philistia – the Land of the Philistines.
      strain of antisemitism.              The Vilna Gaon explains so profoundly that   Remarkably, when wanting to deter any further rebel-
                                           this phenomenon lies beyond the realm of   lions of the Jews and to undermine their desire to rein-
                                           conventional politics and history. It is a   state sovereignty, he chose the Philistines as the vehicle
      Philistine Antisemitism and its      deeply spiritual phenomenon rooted in the   to do this.
      Particular Relevance Today           age-old virus of antisemitism, which contin-
                                           ually mutates according to the moral mores
      For me, understanding this third category
      of antisemitism was an amazing paradigm   and trends of the times, always seeking to
                                           discriminate, delegitimize and demonize
      shift. The Gaon says that the Philistines pos-  either the Jewish people, Judaism or a   Rabbi Doron Perez is Executive Chairman
      sessed single-minded dedication to deny the   Jewish sovereign state.     of World Mizrachi.
      Jewish people ןֹוט ְל ִ ׁש ְו ה ָל ָ ׁש ְמ ֶמ – any govern-
      ment and sovereign presence in the Land   Precisely because these three pillars – ם ַע   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
      of Israel. Indeed, over 1,000 years of Biblical   ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ת ַרֹות ְו ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ץ ֶר ֶא ,ל ֵא ָר ְשִי – are at the core
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