Page 61 - Mizrachi-RZC Sefer Berachot 5781
P. 61

May G‐d Almighty send all

                    His bountiful blessings to

                    enrich your lives with the

                    values of Torah, Avodah –

                      the ability to pray, and

                  Gemilut Chasadim – acts of

                            loving kindness.

                 May this coming year be the

                   one where we will see true

                 Shalom reign over the entire

                  world and may we have the

                  merit to witness the coming

                               of Mashiach

                        speedily in our time.

                 Ke’tiva ve’Chatimah Tovah  ‐

                   Shanah Tovah u’Metukah!

                     Rabbi Sam & Judy Biber

                                and Family
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