Page 12 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 12

“Beyond the tremendous caliber of the delegates and the out-
                                               standing content of the sessions, what excites me most about
                                               the Congress is the way it is laying the groundwork for long-term,
                                               practical global partnerships. One example of this is the Shagririm
                                               BaLev shidduchim project,” said Rabbi Danny Mirvis, Deputy
                                               CEO of World Mizrachi. World Mizrachi are full partners of the
                                               Shagririm BaLev program, an innovative shidduchim platform
                                               that has already helped almost 150 couples find their soulmates
                                               in Israel. At the Congress, World Mizrachi will launch this program
                                               globally, helping Jews from all over the world connect with each
                                               other and meet their soulmate. “Shagririm BaLev, with constantly
                                               growing success in Israel, is well positioned to scale, and will
                                               be strengthened and powered by our global network. This is
                                               just one example of the immense potential for good that can
                                               come through coming together as a global Religious Zionist

                                               Two landmark books will also be launched at the Congress. Rabbi
                                               Doron Perez, Executive Chairman of the World Mizrachi move-
                                               ment, has published a timely work entitled “The Jewish State:
                                               From Opposition to Opportunity” (an excerpt from the book as
                                               well a book review are included in this edition of HaMizrachi).
                                               This work grapples with the contemporary issues facing Israel,
                                               providing a framework for understanding the rise of anti-Zion-
                                               ism and embracing Israel’s most salient opportunity – creating
                                               a unified Jewish society for the benefit of Jewish destiny and
                                               future of humanity more broadly.
                                               Additionally, World Mizrachi has partnered with the OU Press in
                                               publishing previously unpublished and untranslated derashot
                                               of Rav Soloveitchik on the State of Israel and Zionism. Delivered
                                               at Mizrachi conferences from the late 1930s through the 1950s,
                                               these powerful derashot remain timely and relevant, and serve
                                               as fresh inspiration to Religious Zionists around the world.

                                               The Congress will also bring community representatives together
                                               with young Religious Zionist educators preparing for shlichut
                                               overseas. “World Mizrachi runs five leadership programs with
                                               over 100 participants, training Religious Zionist leaders and
                                               teachers to go out into the world. The Congress will provide an
                                               opportunity for communities around the world to meet these
                                               developing leaders,” said Rabbi Hillel Van-Leeuwen, the head of
                                               Mizrachi’s Leadership Programs.
                                               The Congress will also be a unique opportunity to create a global
                                               Jewish conversation between communities around the world,
                                               including lay leaders and rabbis, together with members of Isra-
                                               el’s Knesset and National Institutions. As we celebrate the 75th
                                               anniversary of Israel together in Yerushalayim, we will remember,
                                               celebrate and work together to build the next 75 years!

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