Page 6 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 6

A Vision for

                     Unity in Israel

                                              David M. Weinberg

                                                 BOOK REVIEW

              Rabbi Doron Perez, The Jewish State: From Opposition to Opportunity

                         (Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House and the Mizrachi World Movement, 2023)

             eaders of this magazine know Rabbi   “Yishayahu’s vision of a Jewish state being
             Doron Perez as a master organizer   ‘a light unto the nations’ means being a
             and motivator who has revitalized   positive example of how modernity and
        Rthe World Mizrachi movement. In    morality, statecraft and spirituality, par-
        this new book, his second, he becomes   ticularity and universality can be woven
        known to us also as a fine historian, cre-  together for the sake of a better spiritual
        ative theologian, and uplifting educator   and ethical world.”
        committed to Jewish unity.
                                            Perez presents a plethora of biblical and
        With a clairvoyance that precedes the   rabbinic sources, from the teachings of
        current terrifying conflict over judicial   Avraham Avinu through the Vilna Gaon,
        reform, Rabbi Perez makes the case that   Rav Kook, and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks,
        internal disputes are more threatening   fashioning a broad cultural platform for
        than external threats to Israel. He argues   Jewish unity. He reminds readers of their
        that there is a significant spiritual correla-  covenantal relationship with G-d and their
        tion between Israel’s metaphysical state   responsibility to build a society involving
        and the geopolitical reality it faces.  real dialogue between Jews of all types.
        The way forward is to build a society based
        on “authentic inclusive Torah values”,   In short, Rabbi Perez’s solution to Jewish
        “finding space one for the other” and   disunity is a renewed deep dive into a spir-
        “space for the G-dliness in each other.”   itual paradigm drawn from Tanach and   Essentially, he argues that the greatest
        And then, perhaps, Israel can become   reflecting the Divine mission with which   spiritual endeavors of the Jewish people
        “both the example and impetus for all of   the Jewish people have been bestowed.  in every generation – such as the establish-
        humanity to find space for one another.”                                ment of the State of Israel in our times –
                                            MOST INTERESTING to me is the first   invariably are met with the greatest oppo-
        “When Yerushalayim has a genuine space   half of this book (subtitled “Opposition”),   sition and condemnation by her enemies.
        for all, then the Beit HaMikdash can be   where the author offers an ideological   And this opposition clarifies the holiness
        rebuilt because there is space for Hash-  framework for understanding two thou-  and spirituality of the enterprise itself.
        em’s shechinah – His presence – to be felt in   sand years of “opposition,” meaning
        Jerusalem, Israel, and indeed throughout   antisemitism and genocidal campaigns   Perez delineates three archetypes of his-
        the world.”                         against Jews.                       torical antisemitism, based on a teaching

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