Page 18 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 18

Operating the Kitchen During

                                                    Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

                         ome people are afraid of Shem-  into this receptacle  and allowed to   solution, as we can easily buy airtight
                         itta sanctity in the kitchen. But   remain there until they rot. Once they   plastic bags. The best thing is to put
                         we must remember that it is a   are no longer fit for human consump-  the liquid residue in an airtight bag
                  Sgreat privilege to eat Shemitta   tion, they may be thrown into an ordi-  and then put it in the regular trash can.
                   produce after thousands of years of   nary garbage can. Before each meal, a   All the leftovers of a cholent that
                   exile, when our ancestors could only   paper towel or newspaper should be   included  Shemitta potatoes and the
                   dream of doing so. We will now learn   placed in the receptacle separating the   like are considered to have Shemitta
                   the rules of dealing with Shemitta pro-  old leftovers from the new leftovers.   status. Here, too, put all the bits in the
                   duce, and see that it is not complicated.  When desired, tie the bag and throw   bag and throw them in the trash. In
                                                     it in the trash.
                   Shemitta sanctity this year applies to                             these cases of soup, broth, etc., the bag
                   Otzar Beit Din produce (vegetables, from                           can be thrown directly in the garbage
                   the beginning of the year; fruits, after a   Which leftovers need to be   because, in a few hours, these leftovers
                   few months) and to produce from one’s   separated into a Shemitta   are spoiled anyway. In any case, do not
                   private garden.                   receptacle or bagged?            mix liquid residue with dry residue,
                                                                                      as the liquid residue will immediately
                   What must be done with            Generally speaking, one can discard   destroy the dry residue.
                                                     leftovers that are unfit to be eaten
                   trimming and leftovers?           by throwing them into an ordinary   Residue that is washed off in the sink:
                   The Gemara in Pesachim (52b) states:   garbage can. The prohibition against   It is permissible to wash Shemitta res-
                                                                                      idue that is stuck on a pot or plate as
                   “The Torah said: ‘The Sabbath pro-  destroying Shemitta produce applies   usual.
                   duce of the land shall be food for you’   only to leftovers still fit for human or
                   (Vayikra 25:6) – for food, but not for   animal consumption.       Using Shemitta produce unusually:
                   destruction.”                     Salad leftovers: You can take the whole   In addition to preserving  Shemitta
                                                                                      leftovers, one may not divert Shemitta
                   We learn from here that one is permit-  salad and put it in a bag designated for   produce from its natural use. However,
                   ted to eat Shemitta produce but not to   Shemitta sanctity. There is no need to   it is permissible to perform everyday
                   destroy or waste it. Therefore, Shem-  separate the Shemitta vegetables from   and typical actions. Therefore, it is
                   itta produce can not be thrown in the   the ordinary vegetables in the salad.  acceptable to cook, squeeze or crush
                   garbage. This teaches us an important   Peels:  Non-edible peels, such as an   any fruit or vegetable that most people
                   lesson – we must only take what we   empty banana peel, can be thrown   usually cook, squeeze or crush.
                   are able and need to eat, not all that   in the trash. However, edible peels,
                   our eyes desire.                  such as peels of potatoes, carrots,   Recently, there has been a significant
                                                     apples or pits of fruit with edible fruit   change. Since the previous Shemitta,
                   One should try to eat as much of the                               making fruit and even vegetable
                   Shemitta produce as possible and thus   attached, should be placed in a Shemitta   ‘smoothies’ has become commonplace.
                   minimize leftovers. What then should   receptacle.                 Seven years ago, if someone had asked
                   be done with the trimmings and left-  Soup and cholent leftovers: When it   me if they were allowed to put lettuce
                   overs that remain?                comes to vegetable soup, the liquid also   in a blender, I would have
                                                     acquires the Shemitta status (except for   been surprised. Today, how-
                   According to halachah, all the leftovers   water in which potatoes were cooked,
                   can be placed in a bag within a garbage                            ever, “green drinks” are wide-
                   can.                              as the taste did not improve the water).   spread in many places, so one
                                                     Some people find it easier to leave   is allowed to mash lettuce in a
                   Another option for such leftovers is   the soup out of the fridge overnight,   blender even when it is Shem-
         A member of
          the Mizrachi   to set aside a special receptacle for   after which its taste is considered   itta produce and this
       Speakers Bureau  produce with Shemitta sanctity, which   “damaged,” and thus, the soup can be   is not considered a  should be marked “Shemitta sanctity.”   thrown in the trash as usual. Nowa-  change from every-
            speakers  Shemitta leftovers should be emptied   days, however, there is no need for this   day use.

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