Page 8 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 8

Rejoicing with Hashem

                                         and His Torah

                                                      Rabbi Danny Mirvis

                                ith the reading of the
                                final  parasha  of the
                                Torah  –  VeZot HaBer-
                   Wacha  – on Simchat
                   Torah, we celebrate the completion of
                   the Torah reading cycle. Outside Israel,
                   this joyous celebration is a festival of
                   its own, coming the day after Shemini
                   Atzeret. In Israel, however, where there
                   is no need for an extra day of Yom Tov,
                   Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are
                   celebrated on the same day.
                   Whereas the practice of having one
                   day of Yom Tov is clearly the ideal (as
                   is living in Israel in the first place), this
                   combination of celebrations requires
                   explanation. When it comes to celebrat-
                   ing our joyous occasions, there is a clear   Shemini Atzeret on the eighth day as a   spirituality if we fail to show commit-
                   rule in the Gemara: “We do not mix a   symbol of our special relationship with   ment to His Torah. The very best way
                   simcha with a simcha” (Moed Katan 8b).   Him. Our build-up to Shemini Atzeret   to develop a meaningful relationship
                   From this Gemara, we learn not to com-  commenced long before Sukkot. Since   with Hashem is to make His priorities
                   bine two separate joyous events, but   the beginning of Ellul, we have been   our priorities through the observance
                   rather to celebrate them separately, so   focused on the practical, emotional and   of mitzvot and to learn more about Him
                   one simcha does not detract from the   spiritual preparations for our festive   and His lessons for our world by learn-
                   other. Every simcha deserves proper   season. Shemini Atzeret is the conclu-  ing His Torah.
                   focus and attention without being in   sion of this period, when instead of   At the same time, we cannot treat our
                   the shadow of any other celebration.   rushing back to our everyday lives, we   observance of mitzvot or Torah learn-
                                                     spend an extra day celebrating with   ing as purely academic or intellectual
                   Based on this principle, how can we   Hashem.                      exercises. A commitment to Torah and
                   explain the combination of Shemini                                 mitzvot that does not strengthen our
                   Atzeret and Simchat Torah in Israel? Is   Why do we detract from this special   relationship with Hashem is off base.
                   it possible that our practice in the Dias-  Yom Tov by combining it with the com-
                   pora is more appropriate? The answer   pletion of the Torah reading cycle?  Not only do the  simcha of Shemini
                   lies in understanding the source of the   In truth, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat   Atzeret and the  simcha of Simchat
                   simcha of these festivals.        Torah do not detract from each other,   Torah not detract from one another;
                   Why do we celebrate Shemini Atzeret?   because they are one and the same   they cannot exist without each other!
                   ת ֶר ֶצ ֲע יִני ִמ ְ ׁש means the “assembly/stop-  simcha. Our special relationship with   By deepening our relationship with
                   ping of the eighth day.” Rashi explains   Hashem and our special relationship   Hashem, may we merit to take part in
                   with a parable: “I kept you with me like   with His Torah are one and the same   the ultimate celebration of Hashem and
                   a king who invites his son to a feast for   thing. The Zohar expresses this clearly   His Torah with all of Am Yisrael cele-
                   a number of days. Seeing as the time   in numerous places where it states,   brating one day of Yom Tov together
                   has come to part, He says, ‘My son,   “The Holy One Blessed be He and Torah   in Israel.
                   please stay with me for one more day,   are one.”
                   for your parting is difficult for me’”   We cannot divorce our relationship
                   (Vayikra 23:36).
                                                     with Hashem from our relationship   Rabbi Danny Mirvis is the incoming Deputy
                   Having spent seven days of Sukkot cel-  with  His  Torah. We cannot  expect   CEO of World Mizrachi, after six years as
                   ebrating with Hashem, we celebrate   to come close to Hashem or grow in   Senior Rabbi of Mizrachi Melbourne.

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