Page 30 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
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2014 2014 2015 2015
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Rabbi Doran Perez is appointed CEO of Mizrachi partners with Manhigut Toranit, Mizrachi establishes Sha/hevet, Mizrachi and Koren publish
World Mizrachi after 15 years of sh/ichut a five-year program preparing scholars a two-year leadership and the first-ever Hebrew-English
as head of Mizrachi South Africa for rabbinic positions in the Diaspora sh/ichut training program Yorn HaAtzmaut Machzor
Inspiring Identity
Rabbi Reuven Taragin
A uniquely Greek threat
T hrough the centuries, many Chanukah's modern message in Israeli yeshivot and seminaries - has
powerfully impacted thousands of
For 2,000 years, Chanukah has reminded
Orthodox teenagers. Whether immedi-
enemies have persecuted the
Jews. Some threatened us Jews that we must be ever vigilant in ately or after a few years, many move to
protecting our unique identity. The need
Israel. Others go back home and make
physically, as we recall on for this protection has grown as Jews
dramatic impacts on the religious life of
Pesach and Purim, when Hashem saved have become increasingly integrated
Modern Orthodox communities around
us from slavery and annihilation. Later into modern society, leading to assim-
the world, growing membership and
we faced threats of forced conversion; ilation, dilution of Jewish identity, and intensifying commitment.
religions like Christianity and Islam radical reformulations of Judaism that
tried to force us to accept their faith, try to align it with secular notions and Mizrachi and the year in Israel
while ideologies like socialism and alien religious ideas and practices. Such
communism pressed us to adopt their trends have affected not only non-Or- As an organization focused on connect-
secular creed. thodox Jews but the Modern Orthodox ing Jews to Israel, Mizrachi has always
community as well. Efforts to engage been at the forefront of encouraging and
Yet the challenge posed by the Greeks with and even benefit from the larger
and their Hellenist sympathizers, which facilitating the gap year in Israel.
society can bring exposure to problem-
we remember each year on Chanukah, Most recently, Mizrachi played a critical
atic ideas and cultural influences.
presented a threat that in some ways role in helping yeshivot and seminaries
surpassed all the others. Orthodox youth often enter adulthood cope with new challenges. When Masa
living in tension between Jewish and announced funding cuts for yeshivot and
The Greeks demanded that we subvert secular worldviews. Although these seminaries, Mizrachi lobbied to restore
Judaism by aligning it with their own
young men and women study Torah funding and organized campaigns that
culture. They pressured our people texts, gain Jewish perspective, and raised over $10 million to support yeshi-
e to deny our unique relationship with
commit to a halachic life, they also vot and seminaries. When Covid regula-
Scan here to join Hashem and treat Torah and mitzvot devote themselves to secular studies in tions barred entry into Israel, Mizrachi
Rabbi Taragin's as merely human customs, to be aban- order to succeed in college, and sustain worked with government officials to
daily Divrei Torah doned in the face of other customs - connections with pop and sports culture ensure that yeshiva and seminary stu-
WhatsApp group such as their own - that they deemed and the world of social media. dents could enter the country, and has
continued working to help maintain all
This Greek initiative was insidious: Jews The importance of a year in Israel aspects of the gap year experience.
would not have to convert, but they
These considerations help explain why Baruch Hashem, Mizrachi's success in
would have to integrate into the larger
the post-high school gap year in Israel the recent World Zionist Organization
society on society's terms.
has become so important to the Modern elections will enable us to assist gap year
The Chashmona'im appreciated the Orthodox community. This experience yeshiva and seminary programs in new
gravity of this threat. They fought exposes and connects our young adults ways. Inspired by the goals and victory
the Greeks and Hellenists to protect to life in Eretz Yisrael, strengthens their of the Chashmona'im, we at Mizrachi
the purity of our Jewish religion and Torah knowledge and observance, and, are committed to strengthening our
identity. perhaps most importantly, allows them young people's connection to Torah,
to reflect on the place of Torah and Israel, and the Jewish people.
A member of With Hashem's help, their efforts Jewish values within their own identity
the Mizrachi ensured that we Jews would remain
Speakers Bureau committed to the true understanding and lifestyle. Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational Director of our unique faith and relationship This 'lech lecha' experience - leaving their of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshivat Hakotel
speakers with Hashem. cultural milieu for a year of immersion Overseas Program.