Page 52 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
P. 52






                          From Baltimore, MD
                          IDF Unit Mesaya'at Shiryon

            Tell us about your role in the army.   and values that I wished to live by. In this   my friends and rebbeim. But it's not a choice
                                              reflective process, I discovered the ethical   I get to make.
             I am currently serving in a Mesaya'at
                                              obligation to do my part. I am just as respon-
             Shiryon unit and am part of Yeshivat
                                              sible for this land as any Israeli who grew   How does the loss of individuality help you
             Lev HaTorah's Lev LaChayal program.
                                              up here. This point was stated clearly in   be more successful as a soldier and unit?
            Our job is to clear the path to ensure
                                              the Torah itself by Moshe Rabbeinu. Two
          there are no ambushes or traps set up                                    It's the most important thing. When we're
                                              tribes, Reuven and Gad, approached Moshe
         to stop the tanks. We scout the buildings                                 on a mission, I know that I am a part of a
                                              with the request to remain and set up their
                   our tanks will pass to remove                                   unit. I know that every guy is looking out
                                              permanent residence on the Moabite
                     the threat of RPGs or other                                         for me and has my back; I can rely
                                              side of the Jordan River instead of
                      heavy arms that could be                                              on them at all times. Every mis-
                                              entering Israel proper. Moshe
                       used to harm our armored   protested vociferously, "You                sion we carry out requires
                      vehicles.                                                                the whole team to work
                                              are  going  to  settle  here
                                                                                                together. I need to focus
                                              while  your  brothers go
                          What inspired you to                                                   on my piece of the mis-
                                              fight?"  Native  Israelis
                            join the IDF?                                                        sion  without  worrying
                                              are my brothers. This is
                              My  decision  to   my People and my Land.                          about the other logistics.
                               draft was a long   I wanted to make sure to                      If one soldier on the team
                               process  that   do my role because this is                       is  unreliable,  then  the
                               began in child-  my story too!                                 whole group is in jeopardy.
                                                                                             Knowing there is  one team
                               hood.  I  grew
                               up  in  a  very   What has  been the biggest chal-         and  that we  will  get  through
                                                                                     everything together is critical and the
                               Tzioni  family;   lenge you have faced so far in the army?
                                                                                   only way to be successful.
                               we took many
                                              The shift in mindset to realize there is no
                               trips to Israel,
                                              individuality in the army, no autonomy
                               during which I                                      The army is a very physical preoccupation.
                                              whatsoever, can be rough. I am a soldier,
                              developed a love   entirely! There is a commander who gives   Does this experience have an impact on your
                              and  deep  con-                                      spirituality?
                                              orders; I just follow them. It's my respon-
                              nection  to  the
                                              sibility to follow the order, and there is   In the army, I often get pushed beyond my
                              land. From early
                                              no room for excuses or alterations to the   limits, yet I keep moving forward because
                              on in my life, I
                                              instructions. I am not in control of my life   that is what needs to be done. I must jump
                              sought to direct
                                              while I am in the army! Now and then I get   in response to  my officer's  commands,
                              those feelings in
                                              off for Shabbat, and then I have a chance   regardless of how I feel at the moment. I
                              a concrete way.
                                              to reclaim control over my time. But, oth-  often think about carrying the commitment
                               During   my    erwise, it's not my time; it's the army's. I   and vigor of my army service over to my
                               first  year  in   understand this is important to make me a   mitzvah observance. If I act that way for my
                                yeshivah,   I   good soldier, but it's challenging sometimes.   commander, a 21-year-old who is just a few
                                began clarify-  I would have loved to be at yeshivah for Rosh   months older than I am, then certainly I can
                                ing the ideals   Hashanah, to sing and dance and daven with   and should do the same for G-d.  ■
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