Page 6 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 2021 - USA
P. 6
Rabbi Ari Rockoff
I century since its founding, generations Israel has become the greatest center
n 1956, the State oflsrael was only
eight years old. Ashdod was being
of passionate Mizrachi of America
founded, Israel's population was members have infused Zionism with of Torah in the world. Our mission is to
bring the Torah and culture of Israel to
less than a quarter of what it is Torah values and a religious spirit. America, to educate an emerging gener-
today, and there were not yet direct Mizrachi of America built institutions ation in the ideals of Religious Zionism,
flights to and from New York. Across like Bar Han University, one of Israel's and to strengthen their sense of respon-
the world, in Manhattan, Rabbi Joseph outstanding intellectual and academic
sibility to the people and State of Israel.
B. Soloveitchik marked Yorn HaAtzmaut centers, while the women of Mizra-
in the auditorium of Yeshiva University. chi developed the AMIT educational This is an exciting time for Religious
system, a broad network that today has Zionism around the world, as a revital-
The Rav expounded on how the young
over 107 schools and programs serving ized World Mizrachi has injected new
State, though not yet "bar mitzvahed,"
44,000 students throughout Israel. energy and life into our movement. As
had already profoundly reshaped
Jewish life all over the world. He Generations of rabbis have been we mark the celebration of 120 years
stressed that the State of Israel was inspired by our American Mizrachi of World Mizrachi, we believe that our
where the Jewish people could finally leaders, including former presidents mission of bringing Torat Eretz Yisrael
transform fate into destiny: "Our his- Rabbis Soloveitchik, Meir Bar Han, to the Diaspora and strengthening
toric obligation today is to raise our- Joseph Lookstein, and Norman Lamm, the bond between the global Jewish
selves from a people to a holy nation ... zichronam livracha. Through them, community and the State of Israel is
permeated with morality and religious the values of Religious Zionism have as important as ever.
principles." permeated communities throughout
Nine years after Rabbi Soloveitchik's
America and across the world. I am
Rabbi Soloveitchik, then president of speech, another president of RZA-Miz-
honored to follow in their footsteps,
RZA-Mizrachi, stressed that Israel rep-
havingjoined RZA-Mizrachi as Execu- rachi, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zt"l,
resented an opportunity for shared des-
tive Vice President one year ago to help spoke on Israel's Independence Day at
tiny - a responsibility which could bind
write the next chapter of our story. the Jewish Center on the Upper West
the entire Jewish people together. To Side. He, too, called upon our commu-
his American audience, he emphasized As a movement, we are proud to be a
nity to inspire the next generation to
the importance of the role they were part of a legacy and history that has
poised to take in this historic endeavor. achieved many great things. But now take responsibility for the future of
Israel: "We must imbue [ our child] with
In that speech, later published under it's our job to build upon the extraor-
the title "Kol Dodi Dofek", the Rav pow- dinary achievements of the past. In the spirit of Israel, and create in him
erfully argued that all Jews, no matter partnership with World Mizrachi and that idealism that will help him fulfil
where in the world they find them- Mizrachi branches around the world, the destiny which all of Israel must
selves, must place Israel at the forefront we are committed to strengthening ultimately share."
of their consciousness. the bond between Israel and Religious
With Hashem's help, we will continue
Zionists across the world. We will
Our movement has heeded the Rav's continue to facilitate, encourage, and to strengthen the bond between
clarion call, with a proud history of American Jews and the State of Israel.
celebrate Aliyah, while at the same time
contribution to the State of Israel. Together, as a united movement, we
ensuring that Americans who have
Much like the State of Israel and Kol
made Aliyah remain connected to our will march towards that shared des-
Dodi Dofek, Mizrachi has a storied
community and act as a window into tiny, and do our part to write the next
history. Mizrachi of America, as it was
Israel for those still stateside. chapter of the extraordinary story of
originally called, was founded in 1914
Religious Zionism.
by Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, son of the Rosh Since Rabbi Soloveitchik delivered Kol
Yeshiva of the famed Volozhin Yeshiva, Dodi Dofek, Israeli culture, music and art Rabbi Ari Rockoff is the Executive Vice
Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin. In the have flourished, and most incredibly, President RZA-Mizrachi.