Page 18 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 18


                                                                                      Rabbi David Stav

                       The Real Choice


             hanukah is perhaps the most     Who wants to be an isolated minority   Thanks to this holiday, we reveal the
             beloved holiday of the year. The   in a hostile world boasting power,   light we have in our lives, the great priv-
      Cvast majority of Jews (religious      confidence and esthetics? Who would   ilege we have of being Jewish and being
       and not so religious) light candles and   want to exchange the magnificent Greek   part of the great story our nation has
       eat donuts and latkes. On the occasions   temples, the packed stadiums, for some   brought to the world.
       I have married non-religious couples on   dilapidated Jewish study halls?
       Chanukah, they usually ask me to begin   Of course there were a handful who did   Rabbi Sacks zt”l used to say that in the
       the ceremony by lighting the candles.                                      past we were the chosen people. We were
                                             believe in the Jewish people. They were   forced to be Jews. Our enemies gener-
       It is no coincidence that the Rambam   able to miraculously vanquish the enemy   ally didn’t allow us to assimilate (apart
       writes that “The mitzvah of ner Chanu-  on the military battlefield but spiritually   from Greece, who wanted to assimilate
       kah is a much beloved mitzvah.” This   and culturally? No chance.          us along with all other nations.)
       is an unusual statement as our Sages
       are not accustomed to assign grades to   We can see a similar scenario in our   Now, we are the people that choose. We
       different mitzvot, and certainly not in   times too. Entire cultures are collapsing   need to decide if we want to be Jews
       halachic works, in which people’s emo-  in the face of western culture, without   or not. In that sense, Chanukah is the
       tional connection to mitzvot does not   even one shot being fired or one missile   quintessential contemporary holiday.
       really influence the halachic discourse.  being launched.                  Just like then, we need to choose. It’s
                                                                                  not easy because we don’t have anyone
       Therefore, this is evidently more than a   So it wasn’t simple at all to decide to   physically forcing us like they did back
       social comment about the spread of the   celebrate Chanukah. Especially when   then, and we have a powerful culture
       holiday among all sections of the people.   its main theme is the dedication of the   bombarding us from all angles. We need
       The fondness we have for lighting Cha-  Mikdash desecrated by the Greeks. The   to decide.
       nukah candles can teach us a significant   same Mikdash that no longer stands.
       principle we can use as a beacon for both   Why celebrate a day that no longer has   The mitzvah of ner Chanukah teaches
       our present and our future. The reason   any significance? Would anyone still cel-  us the best way to spread the Torah’s
       we are so connected to this holiday   ebrate Yom HaAtzmaut if – G-d forbid   messages.
       should serve us as a paradigm for our   – Iran would destroy Israel?       To reveal the light within it.
       Jewish lives – and is perhaps something   Therefore, it is seemingly not the mili-
       we are not always aware of in our crazy   tary victory we are celebrating. We are   To encourage the younger generation to
       times.                                marking the cultural courage of those   continue to help the Jewish people grow

       The story of Chanukah does not start   Maccabim who decided they wanted to   and flourish, they must feel this thing is
                                                                                  “beloved.” They must feel the Torah is
       particularly well. It’s not all clear but it is   remain Jews even if the Mikdash was no   relevant and meaningful for each and
       agreed that the Greek Empire that ruled   longer, and the Jewish State destroyed.  every one of them. That Jewish wisdom
       over Eretz Yisrael at the time forbade   Their Jewish spirit was not broken.  and tradition  can  make  them better
       the Jews from keeping the mitzvot and                                      people, happier people, living lives of
       worked to transform the Jewish pop-   On the contrary. It became stronger and   meaning, growth and purpose.
                                             gained traction. Our Sages compiled the
       ulation into another cultural Hellenist
       enclave. The Jews didn’t need too much   Mishnah and the Gemara and eventually   As indeed it can.
       persuasion as they were keen to discard   the entire gamut of Jewish literature that
       the national yoke of Torat Moshe and   nourishes the Jewish people to this very
       become part of a “global village” soaked   day.
       in a Greek culture that was very attrac-  רֹוא ה ָ רֹות ְ ו ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ רֵנ, “A mitzvah is a candle   Rabbi David Stav is Chief Rabbi of
       tive and appealing.                   and the Torah is light” (Mishlei 6:23).  Shoham.

                                           For as long as Jews are Jews, they contribute something unique to the intellectual,
                                                 spiritual and moral life of society. So that if Jews are no longer Jews there
      18  |                                            is a missing voice, an empty place, in the conversation of mankind.
                                                                                                 RABBI SACKS
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