Page 27 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
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members of the political parties in experienced member of the WZO Jewish world in general and in these
Israel, as well as delegates from Zionist Executive, the Mizrachi delegation important institutions in particular.
movements and Federations across the was instrumental in ensuring unity
Jewish world, are all formally repre- within diversity. I cannot conclude without connect-
sented in one place. ing these sentiments to the recent
Indeed, this has been Mizrachi’s role tragic passing of Rabbi Lord Jonathan
From the progressive liberal Hatikvah since its very inception. Almost 120 Sacks, a great supporter of and part-
slate to Eretz HaKodesh and every- years ago, it was founded as a move- ner in World Mizrachi’s activities.
thing in between – Reform, Conser- ment of religious Jews committed both Like our forefather Avraham, who
vative and Orthodox religious streams to Torah and the Zionist cause. At a was both “a stranger and a resident”
and the gamut of political ideologies time when many distanced themselves among the inhabitants of Canaan, so
– all finding a place around one large from this seemingly secular national Rabbi Sacks was masterfully able to
round table dedicated to the Zionist movement, Mizrachi found a way to personify and ever so eloquently com-
endeavor. partner, to communicate, to bridge the municate that balance – on the one
gaps. To shoulder together the collec- hand being proudly Jewish and loyal
To preserve this fine balance, the tive challenges at that time. to his faith and the Torah, while on
Zionist Congress has traditionally the other, being deeply immersed in
upheld a gentlemen’s agreement, Remaining loyal to its religious beliefs global visions, broad universal ideas
giving fair representation to all parties and Halacha while being an active and expansive philosophical thought.
based on their relative strength. This and influential member of the Zionist The ability to synthesize, connect and
is very different from the majority Movement. bridge the divide. He was a ladder,
winner-takes-all system in democratic
politics. As de Tocqueville had warned In fact, the very word Mizrachi is an “whose feet were firmly on the ground
of the potential tyranny of the majority acronym of Merkaz Ruchani, a spiri- and whose head was in the heavens.”
And just like Avraham, he profoundly
over the very significant minority. tual center, integrating core spiritual
values into the nucleus of the nascent connected to Divine wisdom and to
This year, certain parties were pushing Zionist Movement. the spark of the Divine in every human
for this more polarizing and partisan being. To connect all of life to its spir-
approach. Mizrachi blazed a trail of unity, part- itual center.
nership and inclusion.
Enter Mizrachi. At a time of deepening ideological
The message was clear and refresh- rifts and polarization – in Israel and
Over and above its impressive gains in ing: there need be no contradiction worldwide – the Mizrachi mission in
attaining major leadership positions between the sacred and the secu- general and the great life and legacy of
in the Keren Kayemet and the WZO, lar, the national and the religious, Rabbi Sacks are perhaps more relevant
Mizrachi played a pivotal role in the universal and the particular. than ever.
securing a wall-to-wall agreement, in Between Judaism and Zionism.
which each party was awarded fair and We hope you gain new insight and
reasonable leadership positions based So too today, Mizrachi contin- learn from the memories, Torah and
on their relative size. Led by Mizra- ues to play this role of partnership, wisdom of Rabbi Sacks that we are
chi’s Avraham Duvdevani, the most bridge-building and unity, in the honored to present to you ֹות ָ מ ְ ׁשִנ יּו ּ ל ִ ע ְ ל.
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