Page 13 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 13

Renewed cities
        A third type of development that is becoming increasingly popular is
        urban renewal, which means reimagining and redesigning existing
        cities. This usually involves knocking down old buildings to build
        newer ones. This type of development is particularly popular in Isra-
        el’s two largest cities, Yerushalayim and Tel Aviv. These two bustling,
        cultural hearts of Israel have very little empty land to develop and so
        the only way to develop them is to rebuild. Urban redevelopers are
        replacing older run down buildings with new, structurally sounder,
        larger buildings, with amenities such as elevators, underground
        parking and central air conditioning as well as more modern apart-
                                                                     ISRAEL'S REAL ESTATE
        ments. As Israel matures, these types of projects have become more   II S R A E L ' S     R E A L     E S T A T E
        common. 31% of all apartments approved last year were in urban
        renewal projects, and this number is likely to rise.                MM  A  T C  H  M   A K  E R
        These projects are changing the skylines of Yerushalayim and Tel
        Aviv. For the first time, Yerushalayim is building office and residen-  THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE IN
        tial buildings that will be 30 or 40 stories high, and there are now
        parts of Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan that resemble Manhattan, with   ISRAEL AND KIM BASH REAL ESTATE IS
        many 70 and 80 story buildings already built. The urban glue that   HERE TO HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT
        binds the cities together is also being remade as they shift from   COMMUNITY TO CALL YOUR HOME
        public transport to mass transit systems. Both Yerushalayim and
        Tel Aviv now have their first light-rail lines; Yerushalayim plans
        to build seven more light-rail lines, and the Tel Aviv metropolitan        JERUSALEM
        area is planning two more light-rail lines and three metro lines.
        Thus there will continue to be many opportunities for Anglos in
        Yerushalayim, but the available housing will likely be different.     OLD CITY, JERUSALEM
        Rather than small apartment buildings, there will be more tower    2 Mins from Kotel, Spacious Living & Dining
        buildings connected by the light-rail network. Neighborhoods like   Room, High Ceilings, 4 Bedrooms, 3.5
        Arnona and Kiryat HaYovel in Yerushalayim both have developing         Bathrooms. $5 mIllion
        Anglo communities in some of these renewed developments.
                                                                                   CITY CENTER
        Continuous opportunities                                      NEW Build, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms,
                                                                         Shabbat Elevator. 4.9 million nis
        We are living in times of unprecedented binyan ha’aretz, creating
        many new housing options for Anglo Jews. Wherever in the world          GERMAN COLONY
        we live, there is an exciting opportunity to participate and take an   NEW Build, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms,
        active role in this remarkable moment. Might there be an apartment   Balcony with Sukkah, Shabbat Elevator,
        that fits your financial needs, a community that is right for your
        family’s future Aliyah, or the perfect plot of land waiting to be devel-  Parking. 4.6 million nis
        oped for your dream community? With so many investment options,
        this could be the perfect time to make a long-term investment in   RAMAT BET SHEMESH ALEPH
        Israel. In the unfolding tapestry of the development of Israel, is
        there the opportunity for you to take part?                GARDEN APARTMENT WITH RENTAL UNIT
                                                                   5 Bedrooms, 270sqm Garden,  Bargain Price.
         1.  Technically, a kibbutz had existed in Harish, but it had basically been abandoned   Only 4.9 million nis
           and had only a few residents before the more recent plan to turn it into a full city.
         2.  Full disclosure – the author is involved in the Carmay HaNadiv project, and   PENTHOUSE APARTMENT
           serves as an agent for it.
                                                                    5.5 Bedrooms, Newly Renovated, 140sqm.
                                                                                  3.85 million nis.
                                                                          3 BEDROOM INVESTMENT
                                                                             Nahariyah - 1.3 million nis
                                                                            Carmei Gat - 1.9 million nis
                                                                               Harish - 1.6 million nis
                            Rabbi Aron White
                  is the Managing Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
                                                                            +972 54 441 5704
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