Page 30 - HaMizrachi_Chayei Sarah_USA_2020
P. 30


                                                                                Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum

                                DISCO VERING

                     THE HIDDEN LIGHT

                                 OF CHEVRON                                                                           Photo courtesy of the Jewish Community of Hebron

                    MA’A SEH AV O T SIMAN LEBANIM

             his  Shabbat  we  read  about  the   Sarah. In Hebrew, the word HaBakar,   above the Double Cave. Suddenly,
             first “Jewish Real Estate Agent,”   the calf, is made up of the same letters   a  big  commotion  ensued  when  the
      TAvraham Avinu, purchasing the         as HaKever, the grave.               Israeli Police realized he was in the
       Cave of  Machpelah. The Torah goes                                         restricted area. They shouted at me
       into great detail, describing the title,   Although Efron the Hittite had owned   to take him out. Immediately. How-
       deed and negotiations surrounding     this cave for so many years, he was   ever, Yedidya was in a trance, sitting
       the purchase of the Double Cave. The   unable to sense anything unique or   on the floor, smiling and completely at
       commentaries are puzzled by Avra-     special about it. All Efron saw was a   ease. Then for the first time in his life,
       ham’s insistence to bury Sarah Imeinu   dark, dingy cave and so he was will-  Yedidya spoke.
       specifically in this cave when there   ing to give it away for free. Avraham
       were  so  many  available  burial caves   Avinu, the true owner, was able to   In a clear, strong voice, he proclaimed
       elsewhere in Chevron.                 sense the “entrance to paradise” and   “הֹ ּ פ  רֹוא.” He excitedly repeated these
                                             the fragrance and spiritual light ema-
       The Zohar HaKadosh and the Midrash    nating from within.                  words “הֹ ּ פ רֹוא” – a light here, “לֹוד ָּג רֹוא
       teach us that on the third day after his                                   הֹ ּ פ”  –  a  great  light  here.  As  he  was
       circumcision, Avraham Avinu was in                  f f f                  pointing below in the direction of the
       emotional distress over being unable   At the age of three, my son Yedidya   Double Cave, he continued to speak,
       to invite guests. When the three angels   was diagnosed with autism. He could   proclaiming “הֹ ּ פ הֹ ּ פ ,תִי ַּ ב א ָּ מ ִ א ,תִי ַּ ב א ָּ ב ַ א” –
       came to visit him, Avraham person-    not communicate with words and       the House of my Father, the House of
       ally went to prepare a great feast. The   made no eye contact. Despite endless   my Mother, right here.
       Zohar teaches us that the calf Avra-  efforts and therapy to facilitate him to
       ham had been planning to serve to the   communicate, he was still lost in his   3,800 years later, my son Yedidya
       angels ran away toward the area of the   own world.                        amazingly sensed the great spiritual
       Ma’ara. While in pursuit of the calf,                                      light emanating from the Cave of
       Avraham felt a great light and a beauti-  One day, Yedidya joined  me on a   Machpelah.
       ful fragrance emanating from the cave   tour of Chevron and the  Ma’ara. He
       where Adam and Eve were buried. At    climbed through the bars of the locked
       that point, he desired the cave as a   symbolic memorial of Avraham Avinu.   Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum  is  Director  of
       burial place for himself and his wife,   This  area  is  believed  to  be  directly   Tourism at The Hebron Fund.

                            ust like our matriarch Sarah introduced us to candle lighting, The Hebron Fund is providing YOU with a
                           Jbeautiful copy of the bracha and Yehi Ratzon (found on the back of HaMizrachi) which you can fold into
                           a table-tent and place by your Shabbat candles. In this way we hope that you will stay connected to Hebron.
                           Download and print more copies and read more divrei Torah about Chayei Sarah at

                           Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein
                           Executive Director, The Hebron Fund
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