Page 33 - HaMizrachi Purim 5783 USA
P. 33

women into the IDF, leaving the coalition
        with only 60 members of the Knesset. To
        better understand the Charedi position,
        Ben-Gurion asked to meet with the Chazon
        Besides the Chazon Ish and Ben-Gurion,
        the only person present at the meeting,
        which took place at the home of the Chazon
        Ish, was Ben-Gurion’s personal secretary,
        Yitzchak Navon – later the President of the
        State of Israel. Navon describes the extraor-
        dinary meeting in his autobiography, Kol
        Ben-Gurion opened the meeting by address-
        ing the Chazon Ish: “I came to talk to you
        about one issue: how can religious and
        non-religious Jews live together in this
        country, without us exploding from within?
        Jews come here from many countries, by   “I do not despise the Torah,” said Ben-Gu-  they  stopped  arguing,  approached  the
        the hundreds and thousands, with different   rion, “but if nobody is alive, who will learn   bookcase and talked about books. They
        traditions, different cultures and different   the Torah?”              parted amicably and shook hands. After
        views. Our country is in danger – the Arabs   The Chazon Ish answered: “The Torah is   the meeting, Ben-Gurion told me: ‘This is
        still want to destroy us – and we must find   the tree of life, the elixir of life.”  an impressive Jew; he has wise eyes and is
        a way to bring all the different parts of our                           modest.’ He was very moved by the visit,
        people together. This is the fundamental   And again Ben-Gurion said: “Protection of   but continued to emphasize: ‘We need to
        problem: we have many kinds of Jews, and   life is also a mitzvah. ה-י ּול ְל ַהְי םי ִת ֵּ מ ַה אל י ִּ כ, ‘It   find a way to live together. Otherwise, this
        how will we all live together?”     is not the dead who will glorify G-d.’ In any   is a more serious danger than the danger
                                            event – how will we live together?”  of our external enemies.’”
        The Chazon Ish answered him with a par-
        able from the Talmud: “If two camels meet   The Chazon Ish answered: “I see Shabbat
        on the road at a narrow gate, and one camel   desecrations, cars and trucks driving to the   Chanan and Yochanan seek “Anat”
        is loaded with a burden and the other is not   beach on Shabbat, instead of davening and
        loaded with a burden, the one that has no   learning Torah and leading a Jewish life.   in Ein Harod
        burden must give way to the camel that is   It outrages the soul to see such Shabbat
        loaded with a burden. We religious Jews   desecration in the Land of our fathers!”  The parable of the “burdened camel and
                                                                                the unburdened camel” caused great indig-
        are compared to the loaded camel, for we   Ben-Gurion replied: “I personally don’t go
        bear the heavy burden of the mitzvot – and   to the sea on Shabbat, but if laborers are   nation among Israel’s secular public. Using
                                                                                the framework of the narrow alley of Paris,
        so you, [the secular Jews,] must clear the   working all week, don’t they deserve to dip
        way for us.”                                                            the Chazon Ish claimed that the secular
                                            in the sea on Shabbat? That is their right.   Jews of Israel are poor in values, compared
        Ben-Gurion patted himself on the shoulder   You cannot force them to learn Torah, but   to the religious Jews of Israel who are rich
        and replied: “And this camel does not carry   they are also Jews, and they also do import-  in values. Therefore, the poor must make
        the burden of mitzvot? Is the mitzvah of set-  ant things. You cannot force them to keep   way for the rich.
        tling the Land of Israel not a mitzvah? Is it   Shabbat. And if they don’t go to the beach,   But we, the religious Jews of Israel, must
        not a burden? And the young people that   will they come to the synagogue?”
        you are so opposed to [in the IDF], who are   The Chazon Ish answered: “I believe that a   ask ourselves honestly: are the “secular”
                                                                                Jews of Israel really an “empty camel” as
        sitting at the borders and protecting you –   day will come when everyone will observe
        isn’t that a mitzvah too?”                                              the Chazon Ish said, or are they actually a
                                            Shabbat and daven.”                 “full camel”, albeit with different values?
        The Chazon Ish answered: “In the merit of   Ben-Gurion replied: “If they want to – I will   Rav Tzvi Yehudah HaKohen Kook zt”l
        our Torah study, they are safe.”
                                            not object to them doing so, but it cannot   had a very different view concerning this
        Ben-Gurion said: “But if these young people   be forced on them. There should be no   question. The following story appears in
        didn’t protect you, the enemies would   religious or anti-religious coercion. Each   my book Chanan Porat: The Story of his Life.
        slaughter you!”                     person should live as he sees fit.”  I originally heard it from Rabbi Yochanan
                                                                                Fried, and I quote it here in its entirety.
        The Chazon Ish answered: “On the contrary.   Navon writes: “The argument went on for
        In the merit of our Torah study, they live,   a long time. They each held fast to their   In 1964, the Ein Harod-Tel Yosef regional
        work and are protected.”            views without compromise. Ultimately,   school asked Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav

        Facing page, left to right: The Chazon Ish (PHOTO: PUBLIC DOMAIN/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS), David Ben-Gurion (PHOTO: FRITZ COHEN/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS), Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook (PHOTO: DAN

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