Page 18 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 18

including owning and developing land in Israel, kilaim (not   To fulfill the Talmudic statement of “Aser Tasser” – give
             mixing two different species), gifts for the poor (pe’ah and   maaser and it will make us wealthy, many give one-tenth of
             leket), trumot and maasrot, and Shemitta.         their earnings to tzedakah. However, the Torah is referring
             This seven-year cycle is where Adama613, with support   to the maaser of wine, olives, and wheat. The Adama613
             from some of Israel’s top Rabbinical authorities, differs from   project makes that Talmudic passage a feasible reality.
             other “purchase land to fulfill Shemitta” projects. As part of   ׁ שָב ְדו ן ֶמ ׁש תיֵז ץ ֶר ֶא ןֹו ּמ ִרְו הָנ ֵא ְתו ןֶפֶגְו ה ָרע ְשו ה ָּט ִח ץ ֶר ֶא, “a land of
             the Adama613 project, one buys their own fenced-in field   wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land
             for a seven-year cycle and the Adama613 management   of olive trees and honey;” (Devarim 8:8). Adama613 allows
             team maintains the field and fulfills all thirty mitzvot at their   landowners to grow each of the seven species of Israel along
             appropriate time. The religious local farmers fertilize, plant   with the four species of Sukkot – allowing the fulfillment of
             and reap the produce according to halachah. They take   many of the produce-related mitzvot from your own crop.
             off the tithes and gifts to the poor as your representative,   Arba’a Minim for Sukkot, olive oil for lighting Chanukah
             or while landowners visit Israel, they can pick the fruits or   candles, wine for Pesach and wheat for Shavuot.
             harvest the grain and take off the tithes themselves. The
             produce harvested can be sent to friends and family who
             live in Israel.                                   A Return to the Land
             The Rambam lists seven mitzvot to fulfill during the Shemitta   “Our sages would kiss its stones and roll in its dirt. As it says,
             year with grapes, trees, land and sefichim. Adama613 plans   ‘For your servants have cherished her stones and favored her
             to carefully abide by these mitzvot while maintaining the   dust’” (Ketuvot 112). It has been 2,000 years since the Jews
             field and opening it to the public, in accordance with the   lived in Israel and developed the land that was given to us.
             Torah laws.
                                                               “‘And (Ya’akov) bought the parcel of land’ There is a great
             Living the Torah                                  virtue to the Land of Israel. Whoever owns a portion there,
                                                               it’s as if owning a portion in the world to come” (Ibn Ezra,
             While there are thirty mitzvot relating directly to the Land of   Bereishit 32:19). Now the opportunity has returned.
             Israel, there are also many mitzvot that require produce and
             land to successfully complete them. Owning agricultural
             land can come in quite handy when it is time to perform    For more information visit or email

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