Page 2 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
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              Mr. Harvey Blitz
                                                        elcome to a new year at   feedback with us. With the Religious Zionist
              Rabbi Doron Perez                         HaMizrachi! My name is Elie   community playing an increasingly critical
                                                        Mischel, and it is my great
            EDUC ATIONAL DIRECTORS                                               role in broader Israeli society, the future of
             Rabbi Reuven Taragin           Whonor to begin serving as           our movement will in many ways determine
            Rabbanit Shani Taragin
                                            editor of this extraordinary magazine.  the future of our nation. We invite you to
                                            Since Rabbi Isaac Nissenbaum published the   join the conversation; tell us what you think!
                                            first version of HaMizrachi in Poland in   At the very beginning of our return
                                            1918, our goal has remained essen-
         PUBLISHED BY WORLD MIZRACHI IN JERUSALEM  tially unchanged: To strengthen        to the Land of Israel, Rav Avra-
                                            the bond between the people                    ham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook
              Rabbi Elie Mischel            of Israel and Jews through-                     implored the Religious Zion-
                                            out the Diaspora. We hope to                     ist community to “establish
              ASSISTANT EDITOR              bind our people together in                      newspapers in Hebrew, Yiddish
               Esther Shafier
                                            two ways: By bringing Torat                      and the languages of the nations,
              Rabbi Aron White              Eretz Yisrael in all its depth                  which will glorify our movement in
                                            and beauty to the international
             CREATIVE DIRECTOR                                                             Israel and all over the world…” [Rav
               Jonny Lipczer                Jewish community and by giving               Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook,
                                            a voice to Mizrachi communities all
            PRINT & DISTRIBUTION                                                     Chazon Hageulah, 302].
               MH Media Ltd.                over the globe.
                                                       Our fervent hope is that HaMizrachi will play
                                            The broad array of thought-provoking Torah
      HaMizrachi seeks to spread Torat Eretz Yisrael throughout
      the world. HaMizrachi also contains articles, opinion pieces   articles and interviews you will find on   a crucial part in actualizing the great dreams
       and advertisements that represent the diversity of views
      and interests in our communities. These do not necessarily   these pages reflects the rich variety of views   of our nation and the return of Am Yisrael to
       reflect any official position of Mizrachi or its branches.                the land of our fathers.
                                            you will find in our worldwide Mizrachi
      If you don't want to keep HaMizrachi, you can double-wrap it
      before disposal, or place it directly into genizah (sheimos).   community.  May the year ahead bring only joy and bless-
                                            At the same time, the inspiring stories and   ing for our people and the entire world!
                                            family section are meant to ensure that
                                            HaMizrachi speaks to all members of our
                                            community.                           Elie Mischel
                       As we work to expand the reach of HaMizrachi,   Rabbi Elie Mischel
                    we encourage you to share your thoughts and   Editor
               212 465 9234
             Dr. Ernest Agatstein
            Rabbi Leonard Matanky           Inside
              Mr. Martin Oliner                                                   Zionist History
             NATIONAL CHAIRMAN                                                    On page 56, tour guide Elli Shashua recalls Operation
             Mr. Seymour Shapiro                                                  Michaelberg, which brought Iraqi Jews to British
           EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT         Shemitta                              Mandatory Palestine more than 70 years ago
              Rabbi Ari Rockoff
                                            Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon addresses gardening during   Cover
           Religious Zionists of Chicago    the Shemitta year on page 10, Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
                        discusses releasing debts on page 12, and Rabbi Hershel   Story
                     Schachter explains the Jubilee year on page 16
               847 674 9733                                                       Jewish communities in
                                            Yamim Noraim Tefillot                 New York, Florida, Lod
              Dr. Oren Lakser               A host of educators provide insights into some of the   and Paris reflect on a
             EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR             key prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, starting   year of antisemitism,
             Rabbi Jerold Isenberg          on page 40                            riots and tragedy
                                                                                  PAGES 22–31
          Religious Zionists of Los Angeles
                   Rav Kook                              Food from Israel
               209 286 7141                 Turn to page 54 for Rav Kook’s letter to a troubled   Celebrity chef Susie Fishbein presents a new dish for
                                            father, with analysis from Rabbi Chanan Morrison, and   the new year on page 58: Roasted Eggplant with Silan
               Chana Gelb                   read a story for the table on page 60  Techina

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