Page 60 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 60


                                                  A Dispute

                                          for the Sake

                                                 of Heaven

                                                                    n the middle of   David ben Ze’ev Willowsky). Renowned
                                                                    1909, as the Sab-  for his commentary on the Yerushalmi
                                                                    batical (Shem-   (the Jerusalem Talmud), the Ridbaz was
                                                                    itta) year of 5670   a great Torah scholar who had settled in
                                                                    a pp r oac hed,   Safed in 5665 (1905).
                                                                    a controversy
                                                                    flared  up  over   The Rabbi of Jaffa, however, firmly
                                                          Ithe way the set-          opposed this viewpoint. Fearful that
                                                            tlements should observe the   strict adherence to the laws of Shemitta
                                                                                     would bring a financial holocaust upon
                                                            laws of Shemitta. In keeping
                                                            with their decision from   the settlements, Rav Kook decided to
                                                                                     rely on a halachic loophole known as the
                                                            previous  Shemitta years,
                                                             a number of Ashkenazi   heter mechirah (permission by sale). Basi-
                                                                                     cally, using this heter, an arrangement
                                                             rabbis in Jerusalem pro-
                                                             hibited  Jewish  farmers   is made in which Jewish farmland is
                                                                                     sold to non-Jews for the duration of the
                                                              from working the Land,
                                                              no matter what the con-  Shemitta year. This allows Jews to con-
                                                                                     tinue working the Land since the laws of
                                                              sequences might be. They
                                                               even threatened the set-  Shemitta did not apply to gentile-owned
                                                                                     soil. The Rav even published a specific
                                                               tlements of Judea and
                                                               the Galilee with a severe   book entitled Shabbat HaAretz to explain
                                                                                     his position.
                                                               boycott on all grains,
                                                                fruits, and wine pro-  Among the many proposed solutions to
                                                                duced during the Sab-  the Shemitta problem, there was talk of
                                                                 batical year. The major   a joint venture between the Ridbaz and
                                                                 force behind this side   Rav Kook. Together they would travel
                                                                 of the dispute was the   to Paris to try and convince Baron de
                                                                 Ridbaz (R. Ya’akov   Rothschild to help offset the losses the

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