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P. 7

Israel 75

                            Commemorating Yom HaZikaron and Celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut

                         The Center for Zionist Shlichut to the Diaspora (founded by World Mizrachi) together with KKL-JNF
                        organized two days of programming over Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut for over 300 participants
                       from around the world.
                      Highlights included: Opening dinner hosted by Nefesh B’Nefesh • Guided tours at Har Herzl following the
                    Yom HaZikaron siren and official ceremony • Lunch hosted by Jerusalem College of Technology • Visits to
                   families of fallen soldiers and victims of terror • A Yom HaAtzmaut celebratory extravaganza featuring Ishay Ribo,
                 the IDF Rabbinical Choir, and a special performance by Miami Boys Choir alumni who made Aliyah • Festive Yom
                HaAtzmaut musical tefillah led by Aaron Razel • Special tours across Gush Etzion, culminating in a barbeque lunch
              at the Oz VeGaon Nature Reserve

        Opening dinner at Nefesh B’Nefesh   Visiting graves of a fallen soldier at Har Herzl on Yom   Rabbi Doron Perez addressing the lunch hosted by
                                            HaZikaron                          Jerusalem College of Technology

        Rabbi Perez visiting Miriam Peretz at her home on Yom   IDF Rabbinical Choir performing at Sultan’s Pool  Miami Boys Choir alumni who have made Aliyah
        HaZikaron                                                              perform

        MK Ohad Tal speaking at the Yom HaAtzmaut   Ishay Ribo performing at Sultan’s Pool  Aaron Razel leading Hallel on Yom HaAtzmaut

        Yom HaAtzmaut festive tefillah      Tours across Gush Etzion            Lunch at Oz VeGaon Nature Reserve  (PHOTOS: ARIEL OHANA)
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