Page 2 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
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              +972 (0)2 620 9000                INSIDE                                     Halachic Holidays?
                 CHAIRMAN                                                             32 Rabbi Shimshon HaKohen Nadel
                Mr. Harvey Blitz                TORAT MIZRACHI                             Desperate Times Call for
                                                                                      33 Desperate Measures
             EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN                    Herzl, Hebrew and Holy Cows        Rabbi David Katz
               Rabbi Doron Perez                3 Rabbi Doron Perez
                                                                                           Body and Spirit
                                                   Go Home Jacob
                                               5 Rabbi Elie and Dr. Rebecca           34 Rabbi Alex Israel
                                                                                                  Eretz Yisrael and the Desire
                                                                                             35 to be Close
                                                   Celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut
                                               6 in America of the 1950s                      Rabbi Azarya Berzon
                                                Rabbi Yosef Blau
                                                                                                   Reaching Seventy and
      PUBLISHED BY THE MIZRACHI WORLD MOVEMENT                                                36 Beyond
                                                   What Covid Taught Us
                                               8 About the State of Israel                   Rabbanit Sally Mayer
               EDITORIAL TEAM                   Rabbi Reuven Taragin
                Daniel  Verbov                                                                   Bubby Knew
                Esther Shafier                     Shemini to Acharei                       37 Rabbi Dov Lipman
                Avital Gastwirth                9 Mot, Yom HaZikaron to                         The Independence of
                                                Yom HaAtzmaut
                                                                                           38 Interdependence
              CREATIVE DIRECTOR                 Rabbanit Shani Taragin                    Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
                Jonny Lipczer
                                                    Shir HaMa’alot
                                                                                              Patient for the Truth
               GRAPHIC DESIGN                   10 Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                 39 Rabbi Jesse Horn
                Hadas Peretz                    and Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
                                                                                             Dawning of Redemption or Second
      PRODUCTION AND ADVERTISING MANAGER            Four Ideas for Yom HaAtzmaut        40 Golden Calf?
                Meyer Sterman                   12 Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir   Rabbi Sam Thurgood
                                                                                           Lag BaOmer:
                                                                                      41 The Light of the Land
                                                GLOBAL RELIGIOUS LEADERS
     HaMizrachi seeks to spread Torat Eretz Yisrael throughout                        Rabbi Judah Mischel
     the world. HaMizrachi also contains articles, opinion pieces   From Yom HaShoah to Yom HaAtzmaut:
     and advertisements that represent the diversity of views and   16 Appreciating our Abilities
     interests in our communities. These do not necessarily reflect   Chief Rabbi David Lau  THE PEOPLE AND THE LAND
     any official position of Mizrachi or its branches.                                    RAV KOOK’S TEACHINGS
                                                    Celebrating our Connection to Israel   46  Partnering with G-d
     If you don’t want to keep HaMizrachi, you can double-wrap it   17 with Pride and Gratitude
         before disposal, or place it directly into sheimos.   Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein  Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein
                                                                                           ZIONIST INFLUENCERS
                                                    No Land Like Israel               47  Rabbi Yitzchak HaKohen ben Moshe
                                                18 Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l
                                                                                           NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
                                                    RABBI SACKS’ TEACHINGS            48  Days of Redemption
                                                19  The Challenge of the              Gael Grunewald
                                                Religious Zionist Educator
                                                Dr. Daniel Rose                            PLACES IN ISRAEL
                                                                                      49  Ein Keshatot: Mother of All Symbols
                                                     Praying for the State of Israel  Michael Even-Esh
                                               20 Rabbi David Stav
                                                                                           ISRAEL INSIGHT
                                                    Permission to Celebrate           50  Truly at Home
               Mizrachi Australia              21 Rabbi Hershel Schachter             David M. Weinberg
           President: Dr Danny Lamm AM
                                                                                           WHAT’S IN A WORD
                                                                                      51  National Symbols
              Mizrachi Melbourne                                                      David Curwin
           President: Dr Danny Lamm AM          HOLIDAY READING
          Senior Rabbi: Rabbi Danny Mirvis           Revealing the ‘First’ Torah
                  25 Rabbanit Nechama Porat • 03 8317 2504        The Torah of the Klal            GENERAL INTEREST
                                               26 Lt. Colonel (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas  54  How to Talk to Your Children
                Mizrachi Perth                                                        about Intimacy and Sexuality
            President: Mr Darryl Zulberg             Torat Eretz Yisrael and the      Dr. Yocheved Debow
         Senior Rabbi: Rabbi Marcus Solomon    27 Vision of a Jewish State
                                                Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander
                                                       55  Yom HaAtzmaut and Marriage • 08 9375 8985       Applying Halacha in Israel’s Police Force  Rabbi Moshe Berliner
                                               28 Rabbi Rami Brachyahu
               Mizrachi Sydney                       Halacha in the Hospital          56  Lessons from Tzfat in 1948
             President: Michael Balkin         29 Rabbi Yitzchak Feldman              Rabbi Binny Freedman
        Senior Rabbi: Rabbi Yehoshua Solomon
                                                                                           FAMILY SECTION
                        Israel and Arms Export           58  Yom HaAtzmaut Activities • 02 9130 5973  30 Rabbi Yuval Cherlow
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