Page 18 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 18


                                                                    Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל“צז

                         The Face of Evil

                                                 he Israelites had escaped the   Shortly after, Moshe repeats the com-
                                                 seemingly  inexorable  danger   mand about the Amalekites, adding a
                                           Tof the chariots of the Egyptian      significant detail:
                                           army, the military high-tech of its day.   “Remember what the Amalekites did to
                                           Miraculously the sea divided, the Israel-  you along the way when you came out of
                                           ites crossed, the Egyptians, their chariot   Egypt. When you were weary and worn
                                           wheels caught in the mud, were unable   out, they met you on your journey and
                                           either to advance or retreat and were   attacked all who were lagging behind;
                                           caught by the returning tide.         they had no fear of G-d … You shall blot
                                           The Israelites sang a song and finally   out the name of Amalek from under
                                           seemed to be free, when something     the Heaven. Do not forget” (Devarim
                                           untoward and unexpected happened.     25:17–19).
                                           They were attacked by a new enemy,    We are commanded not to hate Egypt,
                                           the Amalekites, a nomadic group living   but never to forget Amalek. Why the dif-
                                           in the desert. Moses instructed Joshua   ference? The simplest answer is to recall
                                           to lead the people in battle. They fought   the Rabbis’ statement in Pirkei Avot: “If
                                           and won. But the Torah makes it clear   love depends on a specific cause, when
                                           that this was no ordinary battle:     the cause ends, so does the love. If love
                                           “Then the L-rd said to Moses, ‘Write this   does not depend on a specific cause,
                                           on a scroll as something to be remem-  it never ends.”  The same applies to
                                           bered and make sure that Joshua hears   hate. When hate depends on a specific
                                           it, because I will completely blot out the   cause, it ends once the cause disappears.
                                           name of Amalek from under the Heaven.’   Causeless, baseless hatred lasts forever.
                                           Moses built an altar and called it The   The Egyptians oppressed the Israelites
                                           L-rd is my Banner.  He said, ‘The hand   because, in Pharaoh’s words, “The Isra-
                                           is on the L-rd’s throne. The L-rd will be   elites are becoming too numerous and
                                           at war with Amalek for all generations”   strong for us” (Shemot 1:9). In other
                                           (Shemot 17:14–16).                    words, their hate came from fear. It
                                           This is a very strange statement, and it   was not irrational. The Egyptians had
                                           stands in marked contrast to the way the   been attacked and conquered before by
                                           Torah speaks about the Egyptians. The   a foreign group known as the Hyksos,
                                           Amalekites attacked Israel during the   and the memory of that period was still
                                           lifetime of Moshe just once. The Egyp-  acute and painful. The Amalekites, how-
                                           tians oppressed the Israelites over an   ever, were not being threatened by the
                                           extended period, oppressing and enslav-  Israelites. They attacked a people who
                                           ing them and starting a slow genocide   were “weary and worn out,” specifically
                                           by killing every male Israelite child. The   those who were “lagging behind.” In
                                           whole thrust of the narrative would sug-  short: the Egyptians feared the Israelites
                                           gest that if any nation would become the   because they were strong. The Amale-
                                           symbol of evil, it would be Egypt.    kites attacked the Israelites because they
                                           But the opposite turns out to be true.   were weak.
                                           In Devarim the Torah states, “Do not   In today’s terminology, the Egyptians
                                           abhor an Egyptian, because you were   were rational actors, the Amalekites
                                           a stranger in his land” (Devarim 23:8).   were not. With rational actors there can

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