Page 247 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
P. 247

A  History  of  Topological Knot  Theory      237

        relation became the invariant's definition.  Its well-definedness could be proved
        by showing its invariance under the Reidemeister  moves.
            More so than with Alexander polynomials,  which  require definition  and
        computations of  certain determinants, the preferred  way for defining polyno-
        mial invariants obtained via skein relations is to proceed from knot-diagrams.
        A polynomial is computed recursively, by a kind of  'unknotting process'  when
        one systematically obtains diagrams on reducing numbers of  crossings, making
        use of  a given skein relation.  When diagrams with already known polynomials
        are arrived at, the process can be retraced, and the polynomial for the original
        knot is arrived at.
            Success with, and increased use of, this procedure caused knot-diagrams to
        become notational devices at the same level as other symbols in mathematical
            Incidentally, as we noted above, Conway did expand the knot-tables; and
        his work was later continued by Thistlethwaite and Perlio [86], [71]. The latter
        completed the census problem for 10-fold knottiness in 1974, and detected some
        errors in Little's  1885 table of  11-fold crossing knots.  Now  we  have complete
        listings of knots with up to 13 crossing-points [86]. And researchers are working
        to enumerate knots on 14 and 15 crossings  [8]. There is an estimate that there
        exist over  150 000 different prime alternating knots on 15 crossings.
            The following table shows the totals of prime alternating ltnots which have
        from 3 to 13 crossing-points.  The top row gives the numbers of crossing-points,
        and the bottom row the corresponding frequencies of  knots.

           In the early 80s, John Turner  [89] studied knot-graphs, and experimented
       with  operations  similar  to Conway's.  He  obtained  various  ltnot  invariants,
       working from both non-oriented  and oriented  diagrams. One idea he pursued
       was  to take  an alternating  knot-diagram,  and reduce it systematically  by  a
       process he called  twinning. Crossings were  'deleted',  one at a  time, and two
       new  knots  (the 'twins',  each with one fewer crossing than the original knot)
       were formed at each 'deletion'  (see the example in Fig. 18). He continued this
       twinning, producing a binary tree of  knots, &nd stopping the deletion process
       whenever a twist  ltnot was arrived at.
           The ultimate result, from any given starting knot, was a collection of twist
       ltnots (situated at the tree leaf-nodes), each of  which  had well-defined  twist-
       senses, labelled  plus  or minus.  He  saw  these  as being fundamental  building
       units of the original ltnot, and was able to prove, subject to one of  Tait's many
       conjectures being true, that the end-collection of twists was independent of the
       order of  reduction by 'deletions' of  crossings, and that it was a knot invariant.
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