Page 67 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
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Ancient Egyptian Rope and Knots 55
again overhand knots, looped overhand knots, double overhand knots and reef
knots. Fig. 15 shows a fragment of date palm leaf with four overhand knots,
three in Z-direction, one in S-direction. This knotted strand and two other
fragments from the same context formed a strand with eight overhand knots:
four in S-direction and four in Z-direction.
Fig. 14. Loop in zS4 string, of fine Fig. 15. Strand of palm leaf with three
date palm fibre. The loop is prevented Z-overhand knots and one S-overhand
from sliding by an S-overhand knot knot (Overhand Knots, #46)
Fig. 16. Four-strand plait, made with Fig. 17. Schematic drawing of the plait
strips of date palm leaf of Fig. 16