Page 93 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
P. 93

82 History and Science of Knots

          Division into equal parts : AS161  The quipu consists of two groups with
          two respectively six pendant cords. It has a total value of 200 divided up as
          shown in Fig. 7.

                                5050 16 16 17 17 17 17
                                100 100

                               Fig. 7. Division into Equal Parts
          Division into unequal parts : AS120 The quipu consists of three groups
          of eight pendants each and a summation group. In each group the third cord
          has a subsidiary. We denote the value on the jth cord of the ith group by pij.
          The jth cord of the summation group is denoted by prj, and the subsidiary in
          the ith group by is. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 8.

                   n                            N

               P.         Pie P=1                      P. P.            P,
                   Pi. PU Ph PE.

                              Fig. 8. Division into Unequal Parts
              Thus we have Plj +p2j +p3j = P j  for j = 1, ...8, s. The numbers on the
          quipu range widely, namely from 102 to 43,372. We find that

                         Pi j  = 0.340 •prj
                             = 0.425 • pEj      for j = 1, ..., 8, s
                             = 0.235 • prj
              That is, the values in the first group are 340/1000 = 17/50, the ones
          in the second group 425/1000 = 17/40 and the ones in the third group
          235/1000 = 47/200 of the values in the summation group. Hence this quipu
          can be interpreted as a division table: Given the values in the summation
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98