Page 5 - Niyog2021_US
P. 5

sible for our own actions. I will have to give an account of my life to the Lord and not for the life of my father, mother or anyone else . Please do not forget that it is true for you also . (Rom . 14:12) .
The phrase “Sons of Korah” in the Bible does not refer only to the three sons of Korah named in Exodus 6:24- Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph, but also to generations that came from them (See 2 Chron . 20:19) . Though the sons of Korah lived many centuries ago, they continue to bless God’s people . Psalm 46 and the other ten Psalms that carry their names are part of that blessing .
“We will not fear” is the central dec- laration of Psalm 46 . What is the ration- ale for not fearing even when everything and everyone around is shaking in fear?
It is the confidence that the Psalm- ist has of the personal presence of the Almighty God with him in the midst of all kinds of calamites . His lack of fear is not because of lack of troubles; it is in the midst of troubles . All through the Psalm the emphasis is on the presence of God with His children in the midst of troubles and difficulties reminding us of the declaration of David is Psalm 23:4a, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me .  .  .”
This affirmation of the personal pres- ence of God with His children in the midst of calamities and dangers is very relevant for us today as we are facing an unprecedented pandemic worldwide . The virus that emanated from Wuhan, China has affected 188 countries world- wide and has killed thousands and caused economic devastation to untold millions . We witnessed the heartbreak- ing suffering of tens of thousands of migrant laborers in our country . Thou- sands of believers all across the globe
have been affected by the virus . Many members of our own ministry fam- ily have suffered . We heard with much sadness the news of the passing of sev- eral family members of our graduates and fellow believers .
In addition to the pandemic, in re- cent times the Church in India is also experiencing unprecedented rise in ha- tred and animosity toward her . We are truly baffled by this as the Church has been in Indian soil from first century onward and she has done so much to bless India in the fields of education, medicine, caring for the poor and needy etc . Yet, we are looked upon with sus- picion!
In the midst of all these occurances, we do not fear because we are confident that the Lord God Almighty is with us (Deut . 31:8; Matt . 28:20) . We do not fear persecution, disease or death . We know fully well that our God is sovereign and that He is still on the throne . By faith we know that even this pandemic that has created so much havoc worldwide and the recent, unprecedented attacks on the Church will all turn out for good as the Word of God teaches in Romans 8:28, even though we cannot make sense of it . Remember, our walk is a walk of faith and not one of sight .
So, let’s march forward with the con- fidence that the Lord God Almighty is our refuge and strength, a “well-proven” help in times of trouble . He will not leave us or forsake us when waves and wind buffet our boats . He will take us to the other shore, for sure! Hallelujah! n
“Uncle” George

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