Page 7 - Niyog2021_US
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were apprehensive, thinking that most of our students are from rural areas of north India and with many from deprived com- munities and contexts, how could they be part of this mode and how we were to start this mode and accomplish our purpose? But the students and their parents rose to the occasion and they came alongside, despite the challenges and prepared themselves for the task . For a few students who could not afford to buy the instruments like smart- phones, the Student Affairs Committee raised funds through a number students and teachers who came forward to help to fund these students who needed instru- ments to attend the online classes .
We subscribed and introduced both Google Classroom and Zoom Classroom meeting facilities . Our academic office and the newly formulated Media Team from our own staff and faculty did a tremendous job in setting up everything for the new mode of learning . In addition to the pend- ing final examinations, new admissions, entrance examinations, and interviews of new students were also done online . Regu- lar classes went on in full swing! E-library sources like Theological e-library and Z- Library came handy and became a blessing for all our students and teachers .
Switching the whole academic and min- isterial programs from on-campus to on- line mode was both challenging as well as exciting . At the outset we thought it could not be done, but the Lord enabled us to do it quite successfully . We are grateful to the team work of all the students, teachers and staff, the Board and the management of the College and also to the Senate of Seramp- ore College and Asia Theological Associa- tion, for coming along with their resources, support and encouragement . I want to take this opportunity to thank them for their valuable support and prayers .
The 2020-21 academic year first se- mester began in July and classes and other online learning modes went on smoothly . Both teachers and students mastered the
art of online learning and teaching and as a result we were able to conduct the classes successfully . Though the academic part was conducted through online teaching, the ministerial and character formation, and the mentoring of students in person remained a challenge . However, we kept in constant touch with our students, and trusted that our students matured them- selves through this time . The pandemic has taken away our campus commune . We missed our community life and fellowship . Due to COVID the practical ministry expo- sures also were not possible . So in that area too we were helpless even though many students used the Zoom facilities to be part of their own churches and other churches . In this respect some of them widened their ministerial reach . But this was possible only for a small number .
We congratulate thirty of our graduates who graduated with Serampore Bachelor of Divinity degree in 2019-20 . Special con- gratulations to Pallikonda Daisy Solomon who scored first division in Bachelor of Di- vinity studies . Another twenty-two of our students graduated from Serampore with Diploma in Worship and Music . In the Asia Theological Association stream, one student graduated with Master of Theology degree in New Testament, six with Master of Divinity degree and nineteen graduated with Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Arts (double) degree . We congratulate all these graduates and thank God for them .
Ninety-nine new students joined the College in 2020-21 for various degree and diploma programs . Their admission process was completed online . We have not yet seen them physically on campus as of this writing, and do not know how long we should wait . As the Diploma in Worship and Music stu- dents need to do practical learning sessions, we invited them to come on campus from January 20th onwards . Along with them the MTh students also came on campus . For all others we conducted classes on online .
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