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P. 59

 Jesus is our Hebron
by Cynu Daniel, Bachelor of Divinity Fourth Year
 The term Hebron literally
means “friendship”, “society”, “com- munity” or “alliance”, and this is what we long for. In Biblical lit- erature, Hebron was one of the six cities of refuge in the Old Testa- ment, instituted at the command of God, so that people may reside there for safety. As a place of secu- rity and salvation from danger, it stands as a shadow of Jesus in the New Testament.
In this world every living being wants a refuge, be it human or animal . A bird finds refuge in the cleft of the rock amidst roar- ing storm, a refugee finds his/her refuge in the refugee camp in the midst of the war, we all seek comfort in the pain of death of dear ones . The word ‘refuge’ according to the dictionary is a ‘safe place’ to give protection from danger and trouble .
Definitely, when we talk about Je- sus as our ‘Hebron,’ we are not talking of a ‘geographical-physical’ place . We are talk- ing about the refuge of Christ . The inten- tion here is also not to talk about physical damage and trouble or about any disasters or calamities around like fire raging in the neighbourhood or war and pestilence . We are talking about the fire of fear and anger raging in our hearts and minds, restlessness of our spirit, maybe due to a ‘perception’ of doom and chaos outside, devilish attacks, spiritual warfare, psychosomatic symp- toms emerging due to wrong beliefs and thoughts . In the midst of all this pressures, people are really in need of finding a place where they are secured and can hide them- selves from all that is happening around . The refuge of Christ is a place which re- charges us for all the battles of life .
There are six things that well up in our hearts, filling up to the brim, when we
dwell in the refuge of Christ, who is our Hebron . They are: Peace, strength, courage, hope, love and compassion . The order in which these wells emerge can change . But peace is the first refuel . This is because, un- less we are at peace, the other refuels may not be optimum . There are no concrete boundaries . So we have to tune into our heart to feel His presence and grace .
In a world that has become more and more virtual, the presence of the Liv- ing Christ is tangible and real . It is like a cloud on the hills which enters your room, stays a while and then moves on with the wind . Or like sunshine on the mountains . Call upon the name of the LORD, rest in Him, and understand what is going on . Suddenly there is peace . Feelings of cour- age, strength, hope will grow .
When things turn against us, when we are all alone, when there is no one to share our burdens (as social beings), then there is a quest for something where we can see ourselves calm . In order to fulfil this real need as a social being many peo- ple opt for various means, which turns out to be of no help in most of the times . In the religious world, there are plethora of options, rival claims of hebrons or ‘mar- gas’ (ways) . But in Christianity there is only one Marga or Hebron, that is, ‘Yeshu Marga .’ It is only in Jesus, we find our ultimate Hebron, our salvation .
Such a conviction and awakening will surely lead an individual to a life-long jour- ney with the real Hebron . While attempt- ing this journeying into the real Hebron, the devil may come and hinder us, but a person who is running in search of real safety will not settle for all the comforts the world may offer, which at times may only hinder one’s journeying into Hebron . His/ her only goal is to run toward Life . Let us run into Him and journey with Him, Who is our real Hebron . n

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